“If you know their name, they’re in the game.” — Miri Finch

It’s really not all that difficult to introduce really bad precedents into law. Here’s how:
1. Stage a terror attack Revelation-of-the-Method style.
2. Have someone exposing the terror attack as staged do reckless things such as:
spy on a teenage girl for the purported reason of suspicion of her faking her injuries and
make idle speculations about a crisis actor couple dissimulating about their daughter having died prior to the event
in order to attract great disapprobation from the community and have the person splashed all over the media and spoken of as “Britain’s sickest man”, ensuring that while there is a perfectly good case to be made for the terror attack being staged there is no case at all to be made for:
the girl having faked her injuries (admitted himself by “Britain’s sickest man”)
any evidence for the crisis actor couple’s daughter to have died prior to the event
3. Orchestrate a court case where the parents of the teenage girl sue “Britain’s sickest man” for harassment.
4. Have the evidence that “Britain’s sickest man” purportedly wishes to present with regard to the staging of the event “ignored, ridiculed, and excluded by senior High Court officials”.
5. Make the case stick.
Easy peasy no?
I hope madeleine is still alive… anyone participating in this kind of hoax fakery belongs in a straight jacket.
“conspiracy” is triggering, it should be replaced by speculation.
“If you know their name, they’re in the game.” — Miri Finch
I don't know Miri French but wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
Especially in today's climate of micro-psyops. As well as all other sizes.
Thanks, Petra.