For the creators of the psyop event almost all outcomes are effective ones, even the outcome that "we think we can see through the psyop" could be considered an effective outcome (as we contemplate the power of the "powers that be").

The staged Trump story can be seen to have 3 main narratives: An attempted killing

A false flag attempted killing

A fake false flag attempted killing.

All narratives seem plausible and all narratives oppress us in some way. So let's get creative with the narrative rather than being affected by it, turn the tables! https://open.substack.com/pub/deepersea/p/trump-over-absurdity?r=ewlv1&utm_medium=ios

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The fact of there being various narratives including the "true" one is very oppressive, agreed.

Apart from the 3 main narratives there are additional subnarratives.

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The distractions of psyops on so all levels of our lives are unconsciously pushed by nearly of of us at work, at school, social media everywhere. Are the so called powers that be also being psyoped by themselves? We have the ability to see through this by manifesting our reality.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

Yes I do wonder about the psyopping of themselves. Power turns people into delusionists.

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Jul 16Liked by Petra Liverani

the so called powers that be (nicely put!) are not one blob, but there are several layers of powerful-, powerfuller- and powerfullest involved groups, making it possible to compete in wickedness between themselves. all the while making fun of those not-in-the-know. intermarriage and compartmentalisation are useful practices too.

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Jul 18Liked by Petra Liverani

I have read this article and the comments. I can't be arsed categorising and analysing all the strategies that are being used to deceive us. It is like living in a fucking soap opera, isn't it?

The happiest time of my life was when I lived a travelling lifestyle in a truck with two dogs and a cat. We had no tell-lie-vision, internet or radio and we had no particular plan beyond avoiding humanity and visiting wild places. Our life was an extended soak in reality. It was exciting, challenging and, above all, peaceful.

I miss it very much and am grateful that I took the opportunity to drop out of society when I did. It grounded me, helped me to identify what was important.

I don't want to live in a fucking soap opera. Too many of the characters get on my tits. Most of the 'events' are totally unrealistic and it is apparent that the plot is pre-determined to distract and entertain us, wasting as much of our time and energy as possible.

When the soap opera gets so intense, with sub-plots and mayhem; when it is rammed down our throats 24/7 and everyone is talking about the same events - THAT is when we should stop looking and discussing the soap opera and start observing the reality that is being obscured.

What is NOT being mentioned?

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It seems to me that in the blue zones (isolated pockets where life expectancy is very high) people live similarly to how you lived in your truck, Frances. They just live their lives eating healthy food they often grow themselves and have a strong sense of community. They can live pretty much oblivious to the depravities and stupidities of power ... and I take my hat off to them. A lot of the blue zones seem to be islands, however, I came across a coastal town, Acciaroli,150km south of Naples, where they grow potent rosemary which seems to be part of the reason at least for so many centenarians but I'm sure their general lifestyle plays a big role. Yeah, I know, instead crying over how we're being deceived the best thing is to live the best life you can ignoring and getting around the nonsense as best you can.


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Jul 18Liked by Petra Liverani

I was struck by this post from CJ Hopkins which seems somewhat relevant here:


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False flags are faked. It's really a double cross.

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Exactly. A double psyop. It's really not that complicated but people can be so resistant to the idea.

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Excellent piece - everyOne should read! I long ago started using "psyop" - which I categorized as either false flag (rare) or hoax (extremely common). Indeed, its psyops, psyops everywhere! For the reader (I think You have seen this...) My analysis of the latest psyop:

The Trump Show (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-trump-show

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Jul 31Liked by Petra Liverani

Hi again, Petra! I just wanted to tell you how much I liked this post!! It's always been a point of great frustration for me to hear people using the term "false flag" instead of psyop. As you've said and shown so well, they're entirely different things.


I don't know whether or not this will show up as an actual link, for reasons too long to explain. I've already cued this up to the last 2 or 3 minutes of the video, in which you can the most important part of Obama's speech at the Stanford Cyber Policy Center. He flat out states that the point of so many of the psyops is to leave us in a state of confusion. That's obviously not the only point and this is just a tiny part of the more than hour long speech, but it's the key point, in my opinion. If you ARE able to see it, just let me tell you that I'm not reccomending the channel or anything. It's just the only place I've ever found the exact part of the speech I was looking for.

Anyway, there's a pretty interesting part right before Obama, too. I've never even heard of the Muslim man who's speaking, but he's certainly 'telling it like it is', himself! Basically about Blackrock, Vanguard, and the reaction to the one world government in the Gulf States.

I'll let you go. I was catching up on a couple of posts I'd missed somehow.

Thanks again, very much!! Until next time... Ciao!! 🙂🙋🏻‍♀️

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OMG! I cannot believe what Obama says - he totally lays it out for us - especially interesting how he says people don't have to believe. In fact, I don't think people actively believe (as I didn't myself before I woke up) but the important thing is that they actively need to disbelieve and recognise the BS, not just not actively believe. I think I've come across the Muslim guy before. Will watch the rest tomorrow. Thanks.

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Jul 31Liked by Petra Liverani

Isn't that absolutely TOO MUCH?!! I was totally blown away when I heard it myself, so I just had to send it to you!! I'm so glad you had the same reaction! I totally agree with you about people needing to actively disbelieve. It sounds like we both had the same kind of experience before we opened our eyes.

Just to let you know, that Muslim guy doesn't just talk about the Gulf States, but what he says about them, in relation to Vanguard and Blackrock is something I've never heard anyone admit before. I hope you are able to listen to it when you get a chance. It's about five to seven minutes long, I think. Not long, in other words.

Well, this conversation has definitely made my afternoon!!! It's so nice talking with someone who fully gets it!!!!! I envy you in Australia, by the way!!

I hope you have a great rest of the day!!! Ciao!! 🙂

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Going to bed now - will look tomorrow. Envy me in Australia?

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Jul 23Liked by Petra Liverani

How would you categorize the Oklahoma City bombing?

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Thanks for the reminder, Nancy. Same as the others - evacuated bombing - and I will add it to the list. Haven't heard this angle before:


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Jul 17Liked by Petra Liverani

I was going to say that the attack on Radio Gleiwitz was a "real" false flag, but now I am thinking, that doesn't make sense. The Poles constantly attacked the German minority, raped and abducted women, tortured and killed men and looted the houses. There was no need to stage a false flag, they just had to wait for the next time it happened.

Need to put my thinking cap on....

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There's actually loads of alleged false flag type incidents big and small ... but I haven't seen one that looks real yet. Of course, there could be but even if there are a few the vast majority are complete fakes. There's the alleged suicide of bioweapons expert, David Kelly, after the Iraq invasion with the dark hinting that he was really murdered, however, the story they tell is sooooo ridiculous that his wife couldn't possibly believe it and would surely have to be in on it. Also, his history suggests he's right in there with them.


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Jul 17Liked by Petra Liverani

With the mans bio, there is no doubt in my mind, that be is part of "Them". In what degree is hard to tell, but he definetly always delivered the expected result, in Russia, in Irak etc. Some former UN-Delegate said that you can't get into the UN without pledging allegiance to the devil.

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Amazing that even as a sailor in the USN, so many moments in time and history are known to all sailors and ships crew and yet the USS Liberty is an unknown to all sailors.

I had never heard about it and i heard all kinds of things, most I cannot and would not repeat.

Now the USS Liberty website has pictures before the attack, during the attack and after the attack.


Also a crack ships crew and practicing good damage control can keep a ship from sinking.

In the end there is a lot wrong with this story, so much so it is just too long to list.

Definitely not a false flag, for if it was am I to suspect that the Egyptians swathed themselves in Israeli (gang) colors and attack a US Naval Vessel?

Worst is no other USN ship, aircraft, sub came to help....ZERO......for those thinking about joining the military racket let that sink in. Every last military personnel is cannon fodder no and if or butts.

It is killed or be killed.......

Petra I am going to go back over all the accounts from Liberty crewman and scrutinize them well. Being in the USN I understand the terminology, customs...etc....

People not familiar with life on a USN ship may not be familiar with what is said in some of the accounts by the liberty crewman.

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Great article! I was just about to write my take on it; this fake shooting is another great way to find out which of the channels/substacks are misleading the people. The ones who lead the 'conspiracy thinkers' on an endless goose chase with questions like 'why did the snipers wait so long?' or 'the shooter was known to...'. And sure, maybe some are a bit slow and gullible but nah, I don't really believe in that. In my opinion there are many here (like for example Rappoport) who knowingly mislead the readers.

Basically, the moment you see things like that pop up in the (alternative) media, you know you are dealing with a show. We could have already known it was a show based on an investigation of past events that were also staged with crisis actors, this includes 9/11 or 7/7, but also the fake shooting of JFK, MLK and so on. Or the fake whistle blowers like Assange or Snowden or this creep R. Bernard who 'exposed' the satanic, paedophile banking system.

They seem to want us to believe they are satanic, evil beings when in reality we are the ones doing all the evil things by supporting and paying for an evil system. Funny eej.

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Thanks, IR.

Love the goosechase nonsense. Can't bear to acquaint myself fully with it but what I catch here and there I find amusing even though I know I shouldn't. It's just all BS. I have a friend who seems to always be attracted to the second-level nonsense and I can't talk him out of it. He thinks I'm completely wrong.

Yes, I'm a little dubious about Rappoport. Just don't know about him.

I'm not persuaded that JA is a fake whistleblower per se. I believe he was targeted from at least the age of 19 when he was the first person arrested for hacking a government computer (at least that's what he told me in our brief meeting) or possibly earlier as he grew up in a cult for part of his life so what's happened is that he has been so surrounded and fed so much false information that he's simply been hamstrung.

So why do you think R. Bernard is a fake? But they do do satanic things. I have no doubt that Fiona Barnett and a number of other people who speak out as victims of VIP paedophile networks are genuine.

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They might use the symbols etc but who knows what the ones in control truly believe in? And having 'no doubt' is a very dangerous thing, there should always be doubt. If you were not there, you will never know for sure, so it would be more honest to say you find their stories believable. The answer to that is that, fifteen years ago, I laughed at the idea that there were no planes entering the buildings on 9/11. Now, I don't believe there were any planes but still, I can't know for sure because I was not there.

I just find it very telling that they put so much effort in trying to make us believe in this duality, this god/devil thing. There are too many paid media accounts telling us either to believe in Jesus and there are equally many that keep going on about satanic this, satanic that. Just a bit suspect, don't you think?

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Yes, I agree suspect but maybe only suspect in that they want us focused on it as a distraction from the money aspect, not that it doesn't happen at all but who knows - my goodness if that were all fake. You know, I have my suspicions about the Podesta pizza coded emails. I meant to examine them carefully before but didn't get round to it. I think I will now. What do you think about them?

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It may well be that the Podesta pizzagate thing was a manufactured false/fake event, simply used in order to do the classic 'discredit by association' (straw man type thing). It's a similar thing with the whole Qanon phenomenon. As I've said before, the child abuse network is their great Achilles heel, so from a logical (or logistical) point of view, it's necessary for them to manufacture something which points towards the Network, but imbue it with inherent debunkability so as to debunk the entire idea of a Network. It also creates a convenient honeypot, of course.

Ironically, I imagine they took a similar damage limitation strategy with Regina (witness X1) in the Dutroux affair (see the IGSP studies 'beyond Dutroux' article - if you haven't already - it's very long though and beyond disturbing, so you may not want to - I could summarise it for you though if you like to save you the pain). Namely, after removing the initial investigators from the case they put 'their' people on it, and may well have used her MPD to attack her. They then published a fair few mainstream media 'discrediting her testimony' attacks on her. The real hidden effect of this is to discredit anyone who comes along and describes similar experiences - they can say 'ah, this is in the public domain, so that's where this alleged witness/victim got their description from'. Given that every victim of the Network will by definition describe the same experiences, this works perfectly to their advantage.

They did pretty much the same thing with witness 'Nick' in the British (whitewash) child abuse enquiry - talk about him in the mainstream media and then discredit him, thus discrediting anyone else who tells the same story - which, of course, they would tell the same story.

Interestingly, on a final note, I think a lot of the 'fake events' narrative could be seen as designed to fulfil the same kind of function. Thus something like 'if event X and event Y are demonstrably fake, then we can cast doubt on events A, B, C and so on - in fact, we can go back further and further into history until no one can believe anything anymore - meaning we write/rewrite history to our hearts content and no one can question anything anymore'. So there's the real, deeper psyop. Classic Room 101.

And it is interesting that this fake events narrative has been gaining traction so recently - I think it marks a shift in the bad guys' strategy, as I said in a comment just now to Iain Davis' most recent piece (don't know if you've read that one yet - it's well worth a read, especially as it stars the lovely Marianna - MI6's tennis sexpot; if I was her case officer then I'd definitely give her the codename Slazenger).

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That's also an option. For sure. Presumably that'll be some of the support section guys nickname for her.

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I think you should not waste your time on them. You already have it figured out; you know that the biggest events in recent history have been totally faked, you know the banking system is a total scam, you know about the fraud called pHarma, you know governments are just here to control the peasants (and make them complicit) but have no real authority, if anything, the Convid scam showed us.

What more do you need to know? I mean, I get it, there is a nagging itch, you want to convince yourself, you want to be able to tell others but it does not change anything. Who knows if those emails are even real?

I don't want to tell you what to do with your life, but... Getting to where you at now takes a lot of effort, you are one of the few capable of thinking outside of the box, looking at things others don't dare. You were not afraid to be ostracized, you don't fear posting your truths and beliefs on this forum. Is there not another way you could use those skills?

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You're right it's not as if you have to keep on knowing more because it's really just more of the same, however, my pet interest is the stuff they fake against themselves, eg, the "declassification" of the faked Operation Northwoods and the faked Collateral Murder so I think just one more of those - the coded emails - assuming they are faked - would satisfy that itch.

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Haha, scratch that itch! We all need to have our hobbies, I have this weird thing with MotoGP I like to watch. I know I could use my time in a better way but hey, I am only human, right?!

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They’re FAKE. Like all Hillary’s “emails”. It’s a fake story. And Assange is fake. 100% actor. Not a hacker, probably just a programmer with an acting background, who spent his childhood in his mother and step father’s traveling stage show.

WikiLIES is an invention of Cass Sunstein; Obama’s disinfo Czar.

And R Bernard is 100% fake and so is Fiona Barrett. If you believe any of these stories, they have sucked you into their nonsense narratives.

What the controllers don’t want you to know is that the entire legal system is based on defrauding the public, since nobody can transfer authority they don’t have to government, or any org by “voting”. Hence, the central planners invent crime stories and crimes, to convince the public, governments are needed for law and order. The Satanic narrative is for the duped Christians. The idea is to present an illusion of a small group of evil “Satanists” (SATURNISTS) inside government, orgs and industry spoiling things for the majority, who are decent and unwitting. All of that’s false. Order following enables corruption, injustice and racketeering. The hierarchy, ie the system itself is the problem.

Real stories of corruption and injustice don’t appear in the press. They are immensely suppressed.

The media was created only to generate fear narratives, sell lies and spread disinfo. It’s not an information service. It’s a mass mind control tool.

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Nothing would please me more than the Satanic Ritual Abuse stuff is fake but what is your evidence, for example, that Fiona Barnett is fake?

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Firstly that someone famous is involved - Kidman. That’s a giant red flag, since these acting, Freemasonic families are usually involved in multiple psyops.

Secondly that there’s some supposed, alleged “murders” and the name of it as “Candy”. These are all red flags.

I know the FAMILY CULT was fake. A complete and utter nonsense psyop. And I think the Barrett story is 100% fake too.

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The trick is to figure out what no one is talking about. THE thing no one is talking about these days--and I can prove it--is the fact that 529k more people died in the US in 2020 than in 2019--an unprecedented increase of 18.5%. Something similar happened in Canada, and likely elsewhere as well. And when you look at the official US mortality data, there are many reasons to suspect this was a mass-murder by means unknown. If it was not a virus per the official narrative--which it was not--then what killed a half-million people in 2020 (and another half-million in 2021). It is the story of the century--clear evidence of democide right under our noses--and no one will go near it.

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That's a very large number of people. This is a massive reality that people don't want to face.

In Australia there has been a parliamentary inquiry into excess deaths but I think it's had very little coverage. I just put into google "parliamentary inquiry into excess deaths" and the first YouTube that popped up is from an appalling woman, scientist, Dr Susan Oliver, showing as "Australian Senate EXCESS DEATHS Inquiry" in google but whose full title includes "what antivaxxers didn't share".


So the first YouTube that pops up is this rather than the actual senate inquiry footage.

Cannot believe that the NEXT YouTube video is her again with another video entitled, Australian Senate EXCESS DEATHS Inquiry brings out the CRANKS


What's even more astounding is how every single comment is in agreement with her - don't know if she deletes those against her or if no "antivaxxers" have simply bothered to comment.

The next video is a very sad story from a jab-injured woman, Kara.


Senator Babet's YouTube channel shows various cuts of the inquiry


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It would be good to compare the characteristics of the excess deaths across different countries. I suspect what happened was a global democide intended to reduce population with no one noticing--or to the extent they notice, to blame it on some natural cause, like a virus, or even a 'voluntarily' cause like a vaccine, or iatrogenic causes.

This paper summarizes the research I've done so far on the characteristics of the excess deaths in the US during the death peaks (age and place of death, and causes the death was attributed to). It would be good if everyone promoting a hypothesis about 'what really happened' would look at this data and see if it fits their hypothesis. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/3/us-death-peaks-2020-2021-multiple-causes-of-death

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Hi Virginia, I read your articles on your websites some time ago and I really enjoy reading them (even though some of the subjects are pretty dark).

To me it is pretty clear; they want most of us dead, we are not needed anymore. There is AI and robots, there is only need for a small group of slaves to service the robots and do the things robots can't (yet) do. As they don't see us as human or as gifted with a soul, we are therefore cattle, to be disposed of when they want. Most of the cattle are so ignorant and oblivious to reality, they willingly throw themselves into the grave.

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Thing is, it would be easy to kill everyone, very quickly--they have gasses that can do that. And if robots were that advanced, they could clean up the mess fast, too. It's more complicated than that--if it weren't, we would all be dead already. Consider the recent democide--there was a plan in place to cover it up, and to this day, hardly anyone knows about it. Therefore, exposing it matters...somehow.

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What you are missing in my comments is that I am of the opinion they want us to kill ourselves. Be it vaccines or poison food/drinks/EMF etc. So most probably the excess deaths you are talking about are people that volunteered for a novel treatment of cancer/diabetes or whatever nonsense miracle drug they push upon the cattle. Maybe they volunteered to have 5G transmitters in their house, maybe maybe maybe. So many potential causes. You'd have to investigate each case to see if there are similarities.

As an aside; did you know they are very close to the introduction of a HIV vaccine? It prevents people from getting HIV! Leave aside that I don't believe most of the HIV/AIDS story but, just think about how many people would take it, especially here in Uganda where I live. People here don't like condoms but they fear HIV so much and they are mostly ignorant when it comes to the dangers of pHarma. Then, after a few years, the reports would trickle into the (alternative) media that these vaccines have some 'unexpected' side effects, they cause infertility, cancer and so on. But at least you didn't get HIV, right!?! Right?!

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My thought is, nobody killed themselves during the NYC mass casualty event.. The mortality data does not point to something self-induced-it was heart damage, liver damage, lung damage. 50k people don't drop dead in a small geographic region over 8 weeks for self-induced reasons, after which deaths return to normal. Look the data in NYC and use it as a litmus test or the viability of the various possible causes you've mentioned. https://www.virginiastoner.com/nyc-mass-casualty-event

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You can start by looking at the characteristics of the deaths at the peaks (age of death, place of death, causes of death, death waves, etc.) which I have already spent many hours investigating, so that everyone who has an unsupported hypothesis about what caused the excess deaths, be it toxic treatments, or a virus, or 5g, or whatever, can try to gather some evidentiary support for it, instead of just repeating their unsupported hypotheses forever, or throwing up their hands in resignation at their powerlessness to find answers. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/3/us-death-peaks-2020-2021-multiple-causes-of-death

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Even though I do like to investigate our reality, this is not what piques my interest, I do not have the patience for it. I am more interest in the symbols used, the astrology they like so much and the bigger picture of it all.

I already use my computer too much for work related things, when I can switch it off I like to walk in nature, relax in my hammock with a book, chat with friends or play with my dog.

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Excess deaths started in 2021 not 2020 as far as I know. As a matter of fact 2020 had some of the lowest death rates all around the world because there is no virus and there is no contagion and the countermeasure was not available for injection until 2021.

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Your information about US mortality is incorrect. I just published a reference book on US mortality data--you can see a lot of content here. All the data is supported with direct links to run the saved search in the database yourself. https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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No, there was no virus and no contagion--so the question is, what killed all those people? Read about NYC mass casualty event--did you know about it? You tell me what could cause a scenario like that. I'd vote for chemical weapon, or possibly some kind of radiation poisoning. https://www.virginiastoner.com/nyc-mass-casualty-event

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the jabs is also fakery just sugar waters for injection + voodoo effects.

Big Psyops

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Some will be placebo but not all of them as the excess mortality figures demonstrate unfortunately.

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I think the real, deeper psyop is pure psychology - if they can get us to doubt pretty much everything, then we are utterly lost when it comes to not just history, but also the present (or any future event) - we are confronted by such cognitive dissonance that we can't believe anything, are thus infantilised and have no choice but to believe whatever they tell us to believe. This is the classic Room 101 strategy, in which Winston has to ask O'Brien what the answer he's supposed to say is.

Of course this kind of thing doesn't work so well with extremely intelligent dissident types - which is why the 'all events are faked' idea has to target the dissidents (the general public are not a threat, after all, and will believe whatever they're told to believe). In order to pull off this mother of all psyops there would have to have been a fairly long period behind the scenes of manufacturing loads and loads of fake photos and the like, then, when they are ready, removing old, originals from the Internet and replacing them with the fake ones, which can be proven to be fake (perhaps by well-placed cognitive infiltrators) - thus casting sufficient doubt for investigators.

This is also why they haven't shut down the Internet - originally they probably considered it, but then decided to use it to their advantage. Today, of course, AI/algorithms can easily be written to trawl through the entire Internet deleting genuine evidence/photos, and replacing it (and inserting) new, but faked stuff.

That's my opinion, anyhow. I think the idea that they fake pretty much everything is absurd. Some things, sure, but most things, no.

In my view, having social control isn't enough to satisfy these monsters. This should be evident simply from even a cursory study of their part in history. They are addicted to causing pain and suffering and torture and death and all the rest of it. And I mean addicted - it is a neurological pathology with a brain structure and functioning to match. Such monsters would simply not be satiated with fake events.

The only possible objection I can see to this would be that they satisfy this monstrous pathology on more hidden, individual levels via such things as the child abuse network. Thus they don't need to get their kicks with publicly staged events. Then again, given their previous love of war, which is to say getting humans to kill other humans, even the Network might not be enough.

I think that's a really, really important psychological question, and I only wish we had study subjects on which to do fMRI scans and such like. In this world, however, that's not likely to happen. In a better world, it would be routine, and carried out on the likes of the Rothschilds in secure mental institutions.

Jacob Rothschild's last words - 'Bugger Broadmoor'

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Covid-19 as a "virus" is a false flag (said to be from bats, China, or even the US, but it was only a Psy-Op.

Covid-29 injections are are part fake vacccines but real weapons, and Part Psy-Op (there is no virus). Is that a FF in some way?

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To my mind the pandemic psyop is a FF in that you have the main narrative (virus) and then a FF narrative (virus engineered in biolab) when the reality is nothing. Same principle. It just doesn't feel so false-flaggy to me because I'd say among those who don't believe the main narrative the percentage who believe the biolab narrative is no higher than those who don't believe in any special virus - it would seem to me, in fact, that it's lower but the FF principle is there.

To me the jab itself is more complex. It's a real thing (weapon) but not everyone who took it took because of mind control exactly, some people who took it really didn't want to - not quite the same.

I don't know exactly how you'd classify it - it's more complex.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Petra Liverani

Thanks Petra, so hearing your ideas on the jab, it seems that:

For psyop, it sounds like a mix depending on the person: peer pressure, just following rules, coercion, mandate, just in case, scared of virus. So there is narrative packing here and some mind control.

For FF, I guess FF is the ship is sailing with the virus flag, but the real perps are the elite planners and their effector structure.

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The thing is I want to get away from FF, I think psyop is simply the better term and in the case of the covid pandemic it definitely is.

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Just to say with jab, of course, there is real killing which is what I say doesn't happen in so-called false flags however they're saying the jab is SAVING people - totally different.

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Right, it's a Trojan Horse which is a psyop.

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I think that we’re in danger of disappearing up our own posteriors. Which is exactly what they want.

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Yes they fooking are.


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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Author

I don't think you get my point. Christchurch was staged, right? So Nobody Died Nobody Got Hurt - not a false flag then just a psyop.

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That's irrelevant. It's the emotions behind the belief that someone got hurt that is weaponised.

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Let's take 9/11. The majority of disbelievers of the narrative believe that people really died but it was the same as Christchurch - all death and injury staged (as far as we can tell). Just a demolition job where the normal protocols of full evacuations were carried out.

People think 9/11 was a false flag but it wasn't, it was a 100% psyop.

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was a hoax

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