Other Strong critics

Dr. Yeadon


JJ Couey Paul Elias Alexander

Scooby-dooed and Cloned Covid-19

Via Housatonic


From Couey's home:



Dr. Bryan Ardis and Stew Peters

Watch the Water


Definition of 'virus' related to snake venom and virility


Ty and Charlene Bollinger The Truth about Cancer


Mark Kulacz Housatonic on Ukraine placed us bio weapon labs


John Cullen

Hypothetically Speaking: Dr Dave Collum and John Cullen Discuss The Pandemics, Illusions and NEOs John E Hoover https://www.youtube.com/@IamJohnCullen

Short version, media removed, 1:49:00)


Long version (full media included - excellent 4hrs


Dr. Mark Crispen Miller


Jonathon Otto


Dr. Mercola


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Have added Michael Yeadon and grudgingly Mercola but not so keen on him if he's pushing biolab. I want to avoid - generally at least - adding people I suspect are paid controlled opposition agents. If they've simply got things wrong, OK, but if they strike me as paid I'd rather not put them although I'll put a few even if I suspect them. Certainly not putting obvious agents such as Judy Mikovits.

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My *feeling* is that Mercola isn't a paid agent and simply misguided. He still has old school thinking about virus and cause and effect. And I am certainly open to being wrong about that and am open to evidence that contradicts that.

What is your evidence about Mikovits? (I have an awake friend who knows Mikovits and doesn't think Mikovits is a mole.)

My sister is also skeptical about Austin Fitts, although I've not seen any direct evidence against her.

For people like Mikovits and Fitts, my sister cites their continued alive state as evidence that they are controlled. Not an entirely invalid argument to be sure, and yet...

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Yes definitely think Mercola is simply misguided. So interesting you have a friend who knows Judy Mikovits. Honestly, perhaps she isn't. What gets me is that those in power know so well how to inveigle themselves and mimic the so-called "useful idiots" that it can be hard to tell. This is an analysis I did of Judy's interview in Plandemicc plus the commentary on her interview by Jon Cohen of Science Mag. If she's not a paid agent .... she should be! They shouldn't be getting her for free.


Interviewer: Do you believe that this virus [SARS-CoV-2] was created in the laboratory?

Mikovits: I wouldn’t use the word created. But you can’t say naturally occurring if it was by way of the laboratory. So it’s very clear this virus was manipulated. This family of viruses was manipulated and studied in a laboratory where the animals were taken into the laboratory, and this is what was released, whether deliberate or not. That cannot be naturally occurring. Somebody didn’t go to a market, get a bat, the virus didn’t jump directly to humans. That’s not how it works. That’s accelerated viral evolution. If it was a natural occurrence, it would take up to 800 years to occur.

SCIENCEMAG: Scientific estimates suggest the closest virus to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is a bat coronavirus identified by the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Its “distance” in evolutionary time to SARS-CoV-2 is about 20 to 80 years. There is no evidence this bat virus was manipulated.

Interviewer: And do you have any ideas of where this occurred?

Mikovits: Oh yeah, I’m sure it occurred between the North Carolina laboratories, Fort Detrick, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, and the Wuhan laboratory.

SCIENCMAG: There is no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 originated at WIV. NIAID’s funding of a U.S. group that works with the Wuhan lab has been stopped, which outraged many scientists .

PETRA: Of course, BOTH Judy and sciencemag have got it wrong as there is no identified virus. It’s complete BS, from bats, naturally occurring or manipulated in a lab, all BS.

Mikovits: Why would you close the beach? You’ve got sequences in the soil, in the sand. You’ve got healing microbes in the ocean in the salt water.

SCIENCEMAG: That’s insanity. It’s not clear what Mikovits means by sand or soil “sequences.” There is no evidence that microbes in the ocean can heal COVID-19 patients.

PETRA: Sciencemag is correct in saying it’s not clear what’s meant by sand or soil “sequences”. What healing microbes in the ocean is she referring to? This kind of fluffiness is not how scientists should be speaking … but this kind of strange talk is EXACTLY what we expect from controlled opposition.

I think I'm with your sister on Fitts too.

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Thank you.

I'll dig a little deeper into Mikovits and share this with my friend.

I have no idea if this has any validity on them being controlled (MK Ultra unconsciously?) or not. My own pursuit of 'truth', whatever that turns out to be before I die, has unconsciously avoided them. I see references to them, of course, and have watched a little bit here and there. And yet... I've not been drawn by curiosity towards truth seeking to seek them out towards that end. (Lately I've been more attentive to how my intuitive processes are working and it has been liberating and, quite frankly, astounding at times how that has lined up. From the very first splash of Malone, for example, I simple didn't trust him and haven't read anything by him. Full stop, period. And that has been validated with recent events, of course.)

Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed work. Good night.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Mercola, and others, are pimping the lab leak red herring hard.

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I see. Interesting, as in other areas he is clear sighted in his criticism. Couey and Cullen for sure are not 'pimping the lab leak' theory. I'll attend more closely to Mercola on that. Thank you.

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The "lab leak" theory is making the rounds again which covers up what actually happened, which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a viral event and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide.

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Correct, imo at this time. I noticed the MSM pushing lab-leak again, and hadn't seen it in the resistance group so much. (Only a limited time to peruse, of course, all that is available.)

This was certainly a planned (in the MBA-syle) genocide/iatrocide/'hospicide'. The pre-covid stockpiling of sedatives in the UK are unequivocal evidence of the planned iatrocide of the elderly. The international trade of covid-19 emergency kits in 2018, the organised distribution of 'bad' batches, etc.

For those not in senior residence, I suspect that the death rate was lower than anticipated by the planner in the 30 to 60 year range. And it *feels* to me that their plans are limping forward not as planned. They are doubling down to make their failing plans work, and this will be very uncomfortable for a while. A dying elephant still has the power to create significant mess.

All the best, gracias.

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CBC . . . 14 July 2018 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband and students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab . . . removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China . . . group involved in setting up the Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .


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Plus EMF & 5G > Lot's science on this excellent (imo) site.

Starting with this report from French military source...


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But wait - safe & effective... right


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Thanks Allen, I watched his talk on Italy in the End of Covid series - yet to watch the NY one. I've seen Michael's name before but somehow didn't pay much attention. Very important stuff. Will add him when next on computer.

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The EOC presentation on NYC is pretty short- around 40 minutes.

The graphs are pretty eye opening- just data and evidence.

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Have added him with links to OffG and Global Research articles. Thanks again.

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CBC . . . 14 July 2018 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband and students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab . . . removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China . . . group involved in setting up the Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .


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This can easily be red-herring propaganda to lead away from the fundamental truth of no virus. I ignore anything at all related to biolab stuff at least in terms of the covid narrative.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Very interesting thank you

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