It was a movie set, the whole thing was a scripted ritual, like most his-story; just theatre for the masses

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Yes, a theater and they were all in on it because they all agreed to get into an unprotected car in the middle of a jungle.

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Reject it all. Jay Wiedner has a new film out that starts over and includes the parts we skipped. If you look at it in this like, it answers how it was done. I would like your take on it, wrote about it here:


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Sure, I've seen the Jackie and squib explanation, I think it's probably in one of the analyses I link to. So many avenues to determine the fakery! After all, it's all done Revelation of the Method style like all their psyops.

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Yea, its better to just laugh along with it. Those calls between LBJ and Jackie are outstanding in that regard.

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Yes I hadn't seen that before. Will check that out more. A couple of places I saw said JFK had Addison's and another Hodgkin's Lymphoma so not sure if that's typical contradictory ROTM and he wasn't ill with anything or just sloppy reporting. My pet theory is that he, RFK and Marilyn set up a menage a trois. Her death looks fake too.

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I've a link to the voice and transcripts in that post above. Its well worth listening too. Yes, someone made a comment that went into how sick he was getting. I don't think he could run for re-election.

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OMG! That audio is unbelievable. Reminds of Marilyn when she sings Happy Birthday to JFK. Do you think they were doing a kind of sendup? I'm going to add it to my post - hope you don't mind.

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Idk, but it is funny as all get out.

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Thanks will listen. The thing is though how do we know that anyone talking about his alleged sickness isn't a propagandist? Perhaps with detailed research you could work it out, however, a priori, I simply wouldn't believe anything in the "JFK story" without clear evidence.

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He had Hodgkin's diagnosed, that is well known, but it was hidden how fast it was accelerating during his presidency.

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When you apply pure logic like you did here the only reasonable alternative is that none of it was real. Something very similar was done with the Lincoln assassination as well. None of it adds up either. These people get off on everything people believe actually being fake.

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You ever seen this? From "JFK To 9/11: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"

A clip from the full 3h docci: https://odysee.com/@wonderingwhatif:b/JFK's-killer:2

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Yes that was the film that started my awakening however there are two important things it got wrong.

Death and injury were staged in 9/11 and the JFK assassination was staged and in both cases a False Dilemma propaganda strategy was used with a Story A for the anticipated believers and a Story B for the anticipated disbelievers.

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good stuff! an' that phone call--I 'member first time hearin' it--repulsive! (LBJ was a really gross kinda guy--then again, Jackie must'a known her call'd be recorded...was she "actin'" fer the tape recorder?)--of all people havin' an affair tho' I don't imagine them 2 together--plus his gal pal was Matilda Krim--later the AIDS fundraisin' queen--an' of course that bioweapon ties in with SV40 an' Mary's Monkey & Aids & Cancer an' both Oswald (whose gal pal worked at the lab in N'Orleans) --all've those elements did a 2step together durin' the plannin' of JFK's murder / murder "show"--I believe they did-in JFK an' blew his head ta pieces -- an' I'm kinda buyin' the subbed in "head" at the autopsy (BUT if that story flies then there were at least 5 gunman at close range includin' the Mob an' Bush-Daddy orchestratin' it all--with, of course, a promise to LBJ) An' they had one big pahrty after! But it's also possible it was indeed staged OR that some of it was "fer show" fer maximum trauma on the teevee... an' of course Zapruder was heavily edited...

ps the double story--where the surgeon messed up an' had ta go inta Witness Protection an' totally went wiggy--is in "Everthing's a Rich Man's Trick" (only part 1--part 2 is kinda a comedy by an'nuther guy...)

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Oh come on, Daisy, of course Jackie was acting. I'm pretty sure she was sending up MM and her Happy Birthday Mr President - I don't think that necessarily suggests that they were having an affair but I've read about Jackie being quite the goer - to me though it all seems a show but now that you've planted the seed of an affair ... definitely not out of the realm of possibility. My pet theory is that the two brothers and MM set up a menage a trois. Someone I've communicated with on Substack told me he believes he met JFK in a bar in northern Italy with his mother. He said his English mother lived for a time in the US and would likely have known JFK and that they met the guy in a low-lit dive-y place, not the kind his mother would normally go to and he thought the guy sounded like JFK. When he suggested to him that he did, the guy just said, "But he's dead."

I think it's safe to say that JFK to 9/11 is a work of controlled opposition. I cannot swear that that film-maker himself is but we cannot rely on the information presented - all the stuff about 5 gunmen, the shot coming from a drain, Witness Protection and all the rest of it - hocus pocus. Totally had me sucked in at the time though.

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lol, not rulin' it out but then again even with all the staged "events" I still buy inta real dead bodies as an option--why protect JFK? cui bono? the story ya heard could'a been true--but then again he pissed off too many bigger fry... Yet it also occurred ta me that if they really wanted to do it up--they hadda fella in a rubber mask (could'a been loaded with squibs OR they told him it wuz a "show" but they really DID take 'im out...the rubber masked "acteur")--so many are "set up" (Oswald & Ruby were....) so I think we all gotta stay frosty. Jackie an' Marilyn both had "trained voices"--Jackie wasn't neccess. imitatin' Marilyn (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyP1j-TwkJA ) BUT did'ja ever (I did not until now) entertain the thought that SRA Monarch Presidential Model MARILYN hadda friend who was SRA Monarch Presidential Model JackieO? So.... if she was controllled they could'a had her say any ol' thing her handlers wanted to "Big Boy" LBJ... More I think of it it could be Jackie was just doin' a beta kitten number, not a spoof... same trainers tho?

How'z that fer a new rabbit hole? (Still leaves open options of JFK really dead--cuz the cabal likes ta do that sometimes with "heroes"--an' Jackie puttin' out with or without her knowledge dependin' on which "alter"....) Thoughts?

LBJ wanted ta go with "der plan" so orchestratin' a changin' of the guard (with 'er without show bullets) is doable! Witness protection for the plastic surgeon outa the ? -- I'm willin' ta buy it--the spooks gotta lot of 'em--like the one that made Faul inta Paul... Mebbe I'm just too horrified that LBJ & Jackie would git it on lol! But anythin' is possible... 'specially if Monarch Jackie wuz on assignment... (hmmm?)

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ps also possible that the Kennedy fam (which some say are bloodline) were all SRA'd as boys... one of JFK's best pals (fergittin' the name) was this weird gay guy who hung out with the "clan"... I wunder? (photos of them all in various compromisin' positions with or without Marilyn i.e. blackmail -- could'a been part of the pich'er too...)

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OK, so Jackie's voice is a bit kittenish but still ... with LBJ it's OTT.

We simply don't know what happened to JFK but we do know the assassination was staged and so was Oswald's alleged killing and I'm sure Jack Ruby's jail sentence.

It's all fake ... as so very much else is. There's killings happening, of course ... just not the ones they tell you about ... and we cannot be sure that staged killings don't turn out to be real killings later but until I have evidence of that I'll stick with "staged" plus "new identity".

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ps lol!--ya already referred ta the same Rich Man film here--just read the comm-mints after plunkin' down my own!

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The magic bullet is no different than the pristine virion, equally useful against the useless class.💙

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Ah Yes Petra.... I remember discussing CE #399 with Proton and yourself a few months back and you said you were going to do more research....Thank You!

The only narrative, theory, story that fits tightest is that it is all fake, a movie, a production, a play on a stage in a theater'

and then to have CE#399 ,the damage it supposedly did while in the condition it was found forces people who will not think out or excogitate these facts to accepting the lie, a lie they will not speak against or question despite the bullets condition that has Lie written all over it.

Also to note the bullet went through the knot of the tie amongst all the other things listed, that alone should have caused damage more so then what is seen from CE#399.

The fact that it is called the magic (deception) bullet.....says it all!

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To tell the truth, Smedley, I completely forgot about our bullet discussion and simply included mention of it from Wikipedia as it just seemed a good example of how the story is so fanciful. When it gets to the bullet my mind starts to fail. It's like what Gerard Holmgren says about 9/11:

"The official story required either that one descended into total intellectual senility in order to still believe it – perhaps deliberately made ridiculous for that very purpose – or else that one keep one's intellect alive but destroy almost everything that one had previously believed about how society works."


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Yea no more rabbit hole or descent into intellectual senility.

Glad I could out think this bullshit, but then i am confident i knew at the age of five something was seriously wrong with this thing called life.

Now days I do not even need my Rowdy Roddy Piper 'They Live' Glasses to see this stuff anymore.

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nice read, TQ. Oswald's CNN stills seem to indicate an outdoor setting, as in: discernable sunlight shining into the scene from the right side, illuminating all of the participants' (actors') left side.

since the 'official' photograph of Oswald's alleged shooting depicts a staged event, hasn't it been debunked before?

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Thanks, mary-lou. I'd expect so although I don't recall seeing it - of course, all those who recognise the assassination as fake know the LHO shooting is going to be fake without needing to consult the evidence and probably generally just don't bother with it.

I didn't work out the lack of match between any still in the "live" shooting and the famous photo myself, I just saw a comment on a video of the shooting saying it.

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tru dat. I'd seen the CNN stills before, somewhere, don't remember where or when. having seen the perfectly set, crispy well-focused 'fake' one I only know in its moving form, the movie clip version from the so-called newsreport. not to be able to get to the underlying true event of So Many Happenings is frustrating. I'm sure anyone watching us earthlings from afar must be laughing their a**es off because of these antics!

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Here's another interesting tidbit: JFK had two caskets commissioned for him, allegedly due to the fact that his disfigured corpse ruined the first one, so it had to be replaced with another one which he was "buried" in. The first one was gifted to the National Archives under lock-&-key, only to be buried at sea sometime later per the Kennedy family's request. How convenient, as this would make it difficult for outsiders to find and analyze the #1 casket to see if it had biological material belonging to JFK. The whole thing is thoroughly odd, if you ask me.


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Speaking of Jackie's phone calls with LBJ, she sounds so familiar to Marilyn Monroe. Some speculate that they're the same person. From what I've seen of both of them, it's certainly possible. Their voices, appearances, even the people in their lives (both being close to the Kennedys) seem to indicate that. What are the odds that they could be so similar?


And Marilyn even parodied as Jackie shortly before her death. It couldn't get more obvious.


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Hi Petra

A while ago, you gave me a link to a wonderful to JFK film on Youtube. No point looking for it there. They hide the best material. I have mislaid it. It was over 2 hours long maybe 3. Do you recall? If you do, would you mind sending it to me again. It dealt with the devious role of people like Allen Dulles

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Sure it's JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick - bear in mind that it's secondary-level propaganda to a degree. For 9/11 the death and injury were staged as far as we can tell from the purported evidence and JFK's assassination was completely staged so not sure if the person who made the film is completely genuine and has just got some stuff wrong or whether he's high-level controlled opposition. He certainly seems genuine but there's an awful lot of controlled opposition out there. Doesn't matter, it's still worth a watch.


I watched this interesting video on the backgrounds of the Scott Morrison ministry today - so many Freemasons. Not just his ministry but politicians in general.


Also, are you familiar with Frances Leader. She talks about how it's not the ones we think who are the real power but more European families, including a number of Italian families, dating back to Ancient Rome.

Just found this article, Exposing Roman Empire 2.0, which looks very interesting. Will read it myself. Seems like it was written by Boodicca and cross-posted by Frances with links to Frances' work - can't work out exactly who wrote it but doesn't matter - it definitely looks worth a read.


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Thanks you are a marvel. And thanks for the links. No, I don't know France Leader. Sounds fascinating. I have some additional material I will share with you later. The Roman material is intriguing too.

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Key word in the title: "Everything is a Rich Man's TRICK". A trick is also synonymous with hoax. Therefore, the title alone is correct, but not for the reasons the author wants us to believe.


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