I'm sorry to have to tell you this now, Petra, but there's more than five options. You left out two obvious ones that Marianna to mind immediately.

6/ Gremlins

7/ It was the aliens!

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Controlled demolition may contemplate both the use of high potential explosives (for a planned synchronized cadcade-fall of the pillars at given floors of the building) AND thermite (in order to pre-emptively weaken the pillars in specific points).

I would not exclude the use of thermite, given the very suspect "restoration works" that they did just before 9/11.

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It was a phenomenal undertaking so you're probably right, Luca. No doubt things were done a little differently from normal. I mean, it's kind of ludicrous for a know-nothing like me to talk about it ... nevertheless everything else I've seen doesn't look any better :)

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Not so phenomenal, in my opinion, this "enterprise".

It' quite ordinary stuff for every demolition enigineer.

They teach that at the Uni.

Here the difference is the alleged dust cloud (most of it probably was a made-up smokescreen courtain) that covered the explosions.

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They teach you to use both thermite and explosives in the one operation?

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The theory, yes.

That is the demolition planning and programming.

Not the practice, yet.

Not all the details (which explosives, etc.)

There you need a "master course" in structural demolition, or better a training in the military Corps of Engineers.

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Petra good summary can you do an audio interview for my show? Check my website for contact info thanks.

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come on in to the studio!

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Yep. Seven empty/evacuated buildings along with some subsidary structures were subjected to conventional demolition. All behind smoke which was pumped out well before (as an "exercise" or "drill" if some journalist with no future asked why.) What we're shown on film is pure 90's disaster-flick cheese.

Furthermore, Danny Jowenko, Dutch expert in controlled demolition, was killed on a quiet, straight road as he returned from church...[whoops, we seem to have lost our satellite connection].

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Danny was all part of it as was his ludicrous car accident death. He's like oh yeah WTC-7 controlled demolition but twin towers? never seen anything like that before.

But all the footage of all demolitions was faked and Danny knew it. Was he even a demolition expert or was he just an actor?

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Hard to say, Petra. When I heard him interviewed it was only about Building 7. The story is circulated that he went along with the rest. Of course, Wikipedia would say that. Was he an Assange, blowing the whistle on everything but the one big thing? After all, even Lucky Larry admitted to "pulling it". Any genuine details would be appreciated.

I can't even be sure that the pommies' premature (pre-recorded?) broadcasting of the fall of Building 7 was a real error. I cling limply to my theory that they bungle on purpose so we think they're on a level with the television-gazers who believe their tripe. Their game may be stronger than they let on. With all the money and resources involved, how hard would it be to make more than a hole in the ground for Flight 93? Surely they had an old fuselage lying around somewhere.

As for that plane which bent steel before neatly folding its wings to make its hole in the Pentagon before evaporating...

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I just tried to find an interview where he speaks about the twin towers but I'd need to spend a bit of time. I find it very difficult to believe that a demolition expert wouldn't know about WTC-7 and he seems to know a lot about 9/11 without knowing about it. Also, he's wheeled out on mainstream media. It's the same deal as the scripted reporters alluding to controlled demolition.

"I cling limply to my theory that they bungle on purpose so we think they're on a level with the television-gazers who believe their tripe."

Of course they bungle on purpose! It's called Revelation of the Method.


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So how did those Al Qaeda guys manage to empty out the buildings and rig up all the explosives & do the smoke screen - there was only 19 of them.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt4KUY6YfCc&pp=wgIGCgQQAhgB 8 minutes

I'd love your opinion on this. It points to the art students, Chaney & all the shell companies that were involved in bringing down of the towers.

Excellent article Petra.

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They used boxcutters, you fool.

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Um, don't want go be all politically correct on you...but after the Damascus gig you're supposed to call them freedom fighters.

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You're saying that the Damascus gig is giving the outfit a bad reputation but what else could he do? There was $10 million on his head.

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