Celia Farber published the post, New York, with a 15m video of candid footage from one person and probably because I clicked that footage, another video with candid footage (as far as I can tell) popped up on my YouTube feed - a 55m video comprising a number of snippets. I wasn’t aware candid footage existed and it felt really strange watching that initial footage uncontrolled by media.
Notable items in this footage
Note: in none of the footage do we see people standing at the windows. Compare with this video of an alleged Edna Cintron waving and others in the North tower. There isn’t clarity of zooming out and zooming in being the same shot and there are still images included. Why?
Young people filming from rooftop
4:13 - Seeming body dropping from North tower
5:04 - More seeming bodies
5:21 - South tower explodes
6:12 - Dialogue
W: Was it a plane or a bomb?
M: A bomb.
W: They said it was a plane.
M: They said it was a plane? That building just randomly fucken exploded. It was not a plane. Look that side just blew up. It just blew up two minutes ago. Way after that one.
Footage at ground level
7:43 - Person being carried on stretcher - doesn’t seem to be showing signs of injury
10:57 - More explosions
From helicopter
18:48 - On and off speaking from pilot
19:34 - South tower goes down behind North tower
34:15 - North tower goes down
Footage at ground level
48:30 - South tower goes down
Amazing how the camera is turned away (twice) right at the supposed moment of impact/explosion/detenation.
At 31:56, the journalist says: "So we're going to war". Yes, everything went to plan.