The post has been heavily edited - major edits are:

1. The events indicated by the gallery of photos have been itemised with links.

2. The fake Salman Rushdie knife attack has been added with an extra link to fatwa hoax analysis prompted by commenter, The Researcher. https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/blood-and-bandages-are-they-real/comment/56699467

3. Clarification has been made on the Pallywood information - the tweet referred to was falsely putting forward footage of a genuine film production (but this doesn't discount evidence of actual fakery) and the comment is expanded on.

4. From prompting by commenter, Thibault Erikson, added link to article by Martin Vrijland showing Gazans have been moved out of Gaza according to the Abraham Accords (as well as other articles showing agenda for the theatre in Gaza) https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/blood-and-bandages-are-they-real/comment/56160552

5. From prompting by commenter Ty changes made to caption under headlining photo re Jeff Bauman. https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/blood-and-bandages-are-they-real/comment/55724962

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Those are interesting comments about Gaza. And they're also quite revealing I think in terms of the purpose (or one of many purposes) behind the production of fake evidence. With regards to Gaza, it seems somewhat obvious to me that they are creating fake evidence in order to give some people an excuse to say something like 'it's not really happening at all' or 'it's not as bad as we are told' - meaning 'Israel' isn't really as bad as you think it is, as if 'oh it's only 20k dead children instead of 40k' or whatever.

It also pre-empts future war crimes trials because the 'defence' can simply hold up some fake stuff and say 'see, it's fake. It never happened'.

So I think when we are confronted by 'fake stuff' we need to take a step back and rather than immediately concluding 'oh it never happened' (which is true in some cases, sure), we need to ask 'why' - why are they creating fake evidence (including 'crisis actors' and 'images' and 'moulage' etc.).

In particular, what is the 'story' they are trying to tell. All propaganda is about a narrative, and getting people to believe that narrative because the propagandists understand that this is the way people see and interpret the world and, thus, form opinions (and opinions lead to actions and decisions). I'm currently in the process of writing specifically about this, so you've just given me even more food for thought (thank you!)...

Another thing of course is 'learned helplessness' - like Winston Smith having to eventually ask O'Brien how many fingers there are. If one can't trust any source of information, I mean.

Ah - the other thing - I know what you are saying about 'they're all in it together' but there are demonstrably minority groups (in fact, the majority group of humanity itself) which are not a part of that. The people of Gaza are a case in point. It is utterly absurd to believe that the Gazans would be 'in on it' in any conceivable way. In fact, given we are dealing with monstrous psychopaths here, those psychopaths genuinely want to eliminate minority groups.

Once those minority groups are eliminated, they hope to be left with a 'majority humanity group' all of whom 'conform' and think the same way, and are thus utterly controlled.

Yes, they will do fake events. But they will also do genuine extermination. That's what they're like.

I have also noticed how the 'rate of increased death count' in Gaza has decreased dramatically in the mainstream media, and it's also difficult to find out how many people are in fact dead. They got to about 30k pretty quickly, then they must've thought, hold on, if we keep telling the truth then the numbers are going to exceed a threshold beyond which there will be serious pushback. So let's now just let the numbers 'creep' up gradually - despite the fact that now they have no necessities of existence and there is disease and starvation etc. the rate of increase should be much higher. So I would've expected at least 100,000 dead by now.

That's an interesting question with regards to the fakery, perhaps? If the suggestion is the current official figure of, what, approaching 40k, is in fact correct, then it means the earlier numbers were incorrect/or lies, even - see this simply sows even more confusion such that we can no longer trust any source of information - I think this is one of the main purposes of fakery. Learned helplessness, again.

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Good points, Evelyn. Yes, learned helplessness. How do we know what's really going on if they're faking stuff and giving us numbers that don't make sense? One thing we know a priori is that they don't have to cause physical violence to destroy people and my guess is that what's killing Palestinians isn't direct violence, it's the destruction of infrastructure and blocking access to necessities.

Just to point out that "they're all in it together" is prefaced by "At the top" - very important.

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I think I like your page a LOT. Thank you. So refreshing...

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There’s no way for you to validate alleged or claimed deaths. If large areas of Gaza, entire blocks are evacuated prior to bombing there’s no dead, period.

The numbers have already been flagged as statistically impossible.


*You* certainly don’t know if anyone in Gaza died or not, or from what causes.

YOU don’t know anything about Gaza other than the propaganda disseminated in the press.

Obviously the faux authorities are attempting to craft a good cop/bad cop narrative around this completely hoaxed conflict, to steal the land for the gas deals made previously by both faux authorities - Palestine and Israel.

If two faux governments (centrally controlled privately owned corporations masquerading as governments) coordinate this land theft, by staging a war and even staging deaths, while both sides are attaining BILLIONS IN AID MONEY, from other countries, then how are you, as only a consumer of fake news (because media is a mind control mechanism not an information service) in another country or region, to know how many deaths there are or from what cause? You can’t. It’s just numbers released daily by the faux authorities. The same exact process occurred with the scamdemic.

In any alleged conflict the faux authorities can take a proportion of natural causes deaths or even vaccine or iatrogenic deaths and falsely call them war or civilian casualties.

I think it’s absurd to assume there’s anything real coming out of the entire region when they’ve been caught staging this conflict since the faux authorities first established the faux state of Is-Ra-El.

The faux authorities in every country got their fake case numbers and fake death numbers in the scamdemic by apportioning a percentage of real all cause deaths to a non existent virus. All the faux countries including Palestine “health” authorities, fabricated false statistics for a non existent virus, in order to elicit an emotional reaction, a fear response from the public.

There was no virus, so no covid cases or deaths. Not even one. So all alleged deaths were from other causes. Mostly iatrogenesis and neglect of the elderly.

The exact same method can be used in any staged, and orchestrated, coordinated conflict.

And the evacuated Palestinians sent to other countries to be relocated or refugeed, can also be claimed to be conflict deaths.

In fact, since we don’t really know how many people were or are in Palestine or Gaza the Palestinian “health” authorities could just invent some Gematria number deaths and release them daily.

The UN has a policy of forced migration. They coordinate and assisted in the creation of multiple NGOs who unlawfully and illegally transport humans from war torn, economic ravaged or poverty stricken regions to 1st world nations. Forced immigration has been a policy of the UN, since formation. And under Agenda 21, the agenda for the entire 21st century, these orchestrated and (soon to be) expanded conflicts are part of their operations to cause geopolitical upheaval, strategy and tension worldwide, while coordinating population movements, land and resource stealing. And then transitioning to the long planned technocracy.

The same orchestrated conflict has occurred in Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands left Ukraine and were evacuated and refugeed to other countries. They were forced to leave bank accounts that couldn’t be accessed, their possessions, properties, land and businesses behind. They became completely dependent on the welfare of the receiving governments.

And that Ukraine-Russia staged conflict was for the same purpose. There’s oil and gas under the ground in the regions where the orchestrated conflict in Ukraine occurred.

Since Palestine and Israel are coordinating this operation, in evacuated areas and districts, refugees may have been sheltering in tunnels, or even sent to Europe and the Mid East for relocation, *prior* to bombings or demolitions.

Since the Hamas attacks were 100% staged, Hamas never denied these non existent attacks. Why? Because both faux authorities are in this grift together. There was no deaths or kidnapping of Israelis. No deaths in any of the fake rocket attacks from Hamas (fireworks) so it’s more likely the Palestinians aren’t being exterminated but are being forcefully (and voluntarily) moved by the Israeli and Palestinian faux authorities, so the faux authorities can proceed with the bulldozing and reclamation of the Gaza Strip for the gas deals already inked out (and likely signed) before the faux conflict began.

With Israel functioning as the evildoer, in this good vs evil narrative, this spurs the clueless public to point the accusatory finger at “Jewish” financiers and Israel. Instead of seeing the bigger picture of orchestrated conflicts as essential control mechanisms in a centrally controlled world.

What’s the real purpose of making one religion or “supposed” race look like the evildoers for the last century or more?

It furthers the left versus right lie, politically. And blames one religion or one group of people. And stops the people from realizing the conflicts are orchestrated and their governments aren’t protecting them. But are instead terrorizing and exploiting them.

Hitler blamed one religion too. But rounding up middle and working class Jews into the ghetto and sending them on cattle cars to work camps, didn’t solve anything. Especially since Germany was backed by the Western financiers. Supposedly, allegedly Jewish also.

However, blaming one supposed race or religion, crafts an effective narrative, so nobody recognizes all terror, all wars, all genocides occur by the state FOR the state, through order following, through faux authority, not because of one religion or ideology.

These military conflicts are continually staged by all sides, so the public can’t figure out it’s all the faux governments from all the faux “nation” states orchestrating unnecessary wars, for multiple racketeering and control purposes. Including but not limited to, redevelopment and rebuilding plans. Resource and land theft. Relocating and moving populations. Arms profiteering. Market rigging. Supply chain disruption. Terrorizing and traumatizing the populations within the conflicts. And traumatizing, misinforming and polarizing the consumers of the narratives.

If the public think their enemy is some nonsense, man made religion, or non existent race, rather than the systems and structures that have been put into place unlawfully over centuries, for racketeering purposes and to steal land, wealth, IP and labor from a farmed, enslaved humanity, then that works perfectly to prevent the public ever rebelling against their real captors, the true evil psychopaths who own, control and run organized religions, governments, military, police and courts, supranational orgs and media who have no claim to lawful authority over a single soul on earth.

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This is the gaping logical flaw in your argument:

"These military conflicts are continually staged by all sides, so the public can’t figure out it’s all the faux governments from all the faux “nation” states orchestrating unnecessary wars, for multiple racketeering and control purposes. Including but not limited to, redevelopment and rebuilding plans. Resource and land theft. Relocating and moving populations. Arms profiteering. Market rigging. Supply chain disruption. Terrorizing and traumatizing the populations within the conflicts. And traumatizing, misinforming and polarizing the consumers of the narratives."

The following obvious points ignore the 'manipulation of statistics' thing - we can all argue to the cows come home about 'how many people died' but the way you describe it is as if 'the entire thing is fake'. If that's not true, then there must be a conflict going on. In which case, basic human psychology comes into play and you simply can't have 'everyone in on it'.

So here we go:

'military conflict': if 'staged' (i.e. false) then no one dies, I suppose? This means all the ordinary civilians in the war region must be 'in on it' too, right? Otherwise you couldn't have either a 'real war' or a 'staged war'.

'Resource and land theft' - are you suggesting the indigenous population are ok with this - I mean, you're suggesting it's a 'staged' war, right?

'Relocating and moving populations' - same principle applies - your picture of the world depends upon the complicity of the populations concerned. That obviously defies all known basic psychology because you are implying that human beings would just say 'yeah, ok, just point me in the direction of the gas chamber'.

No - there would be a 'resistance' - which means that a 'resistance-led' war cannot possibly be a 'fake' war.

Likewise, if there is no 'resistance' then why any need to create any 'fake' stuff? If there is a war, effectively, between monsters and normal people then, erm, yeah, we're going to get some genuine conflicts, aren't we? If you disbelieve what's happening in Gaza then you are effectively saying the entire Gazan population is part of the 1%, cabal, criminocracy, monsters, and they have been only 'pretending' to live in a concentration camp for the last two decades or however long it's been. Serious question - do you really believe that?

'Arms profiteering' - are you saying none of these 'arms' will ever be used? Are they fake weapons used by fake people? How many fake people do you need? Or if you are using real people for these massive fake wars, how do you convince them to be fake about it? We're talking millions of people here, remember. That requires a serious education and recruitment system and you'd also have to deny them access to mainstream media propaganda, which obviously tells them wars do happen. So if they have grown up believing that wars have happened, then you need to explain how they can be convinced, in their millions, that those wars never happened and they should now play their part in a fake war. Please explain the psychology of this, and also provide evidence of this brainwashing programme on the scale required (like, millions of people).

'Terrorising and traumatizing the populations within the conflicts' - ah, so you DO accept these conflicts are actually happening? If they're not, after all, how can they possibly terrorise or traumatize anyone? Since everyone in the area would be 'in on it'. How can they achieve relocation? How can they sell any weapons? How can they steal any land or resources?

Do you, at least, understand these basic logical contradictions in your 'false events narrative'?

I hope so, because I really don't think I am capable of providing a clearer debunk.

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You need to learn the difference between hearsay and proven fact.

For instance any positive statement made regarding alleged deaths, numbers of dead or injured must be proven. Until proven it’s just hearsay.

“The burden of proof (Latin: onus probandi, shortened from Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat – the burden of proof lies with the one who speaks, not the one who denies) is the obligation on a party in a dispute to provide sufficient warrant for its position.“


It’s up to all those who regurgitate any assertion/s by media or govern-ment, to prove their claims. Not vice versa.

Burden of proof falls on the claimant.

Since you offer no proof, (of alleged viruses or alleged genocide in Gaza) and you conflate, strawman, misrepresent and evade in your responses, you ultimately only do you yourself an injustice, by failing to be intellectually honest, adept or show any type of integrity in your responses.

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I can't be bothered to respond to genocide deniers anymore.

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The entire thing (constructed conflicts) is 'fake', that is fact you can not surmount EverLyin'.

You then gas on foundations of illusion, & ignore 99% of excellent overview content.

Maybe FAKE PEOPLE can not see obvious fake events ?

I travel to Iran, Iraq, Libya & then UK ?& cry over lies of lives, & your evil media games of arrogant conceit. UK is in worse condition than any of them (at time of visits about 20 years ago) !!! Your (UK,Western) oppression is more insidious, your war more strategic with class values & income possibility.

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And there was I thinking I’d blocked you! Then you pop up again with a new handle!

I love the name though, Blue Sky Maiden. It’s lovely.

Still going to block you again though. Unless you can say something to me that doesn’t have any insults in it.

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''There’s no way for you to validate alleged or claimed deaths.''

Is that statement true?

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Have you just gone for the epitome of the straw man approach? Like, totally ignore every single thing I said no matter how watertight the arguments, and go back to some alleged weak point and focus only that.

So here's how you want it to go, probably.

You: There's no way for you to validate alleged or claimed deaths.

Me: Sure, that's a logically true statement. I personally can't validate them, as I don't have access to the required information.

You: So you can't prove that any deaths are taking place?

Me: That's also logically true and it's actually the same question and the same answer.

You: Ah, so you now have to admit that there isn't a real war going on.

Me: See my previous reply to you. You really need to answer all my points. Try it one by one. So, we'll start with the fact that the 2.3 million Gazans would have to be in on this manufacturing of a fake war. They also would've had to be in on playing the part of concentration camp victims for the last two decades. If you can prove they have all been faking it all that time, then I might go along with your ridiculous straw man approach. But it's highly unlikely that I would, I'd say. I have better things to do than waste my time and energy on people who clearly don't even think anything in this world is real. Maybe go back to Descartes then and think of yourself as a head in a box or something.

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''the straw man approach''

You are getting closer. ''strawman'' AKA scarecrow = Look behind the curtain.

They don't have to all be in on it, they just gotta believe. Like someone we know. ''Make up, get make up over here.''

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VERY good points, Evelyn, all. You're someone I don't cringe when I read your words! YAY. Thanks for the kind of thinking I crave, and that we all NEED...

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I didn't say this before, but I went back into the text to see the photos again...

The photo of Csabi... I thought, how strange is it that his mother is SMILING?

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Part of their Revelation of the Method is the show of inappropriate emotion.

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Yes,, I'd say that's a definite clue! oh my dog.

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Re: the Bondi Westfield event - apart from the multiple repositioning of the "slain" lone-wolf knife bandit, Aussie ranga (slang for redhead) reporter:

"Anyone who reckons Australia's gun laws are too restrictive should consider if Joel Cauchi had the opportunity of walking into his local Walmart and buying an assault rifle, he would have, and the body count would've been a lot higher".

Australia doesn't have Walmarts.

Also Ranga Reporter: "In 25 years of journalism, I've written and said some terrible words about some terrible events".

The guy looks 28, maybe 30.

Sure started his "journalism" career early.

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LOL. It seems more and more people are in on these things. What's John Singleton's daughter doing in it? Isn't daddy's money enough for her ... or what?

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I'm going through some stuff that seems directly tied to what's happening on Planet Earth right now... Like a microcosm. It's like a REAL virus or something... of Evil. You have to wonder what the draw is... Trying to make money? Jump on a bandwagon so to be part of some kind of safety in numbers? A natural tendency to be nasty? I keep trying to make SENSE of things... maybe there isn't any sense to it at all! It's bizarre.

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Yes it's certainly bizarre.

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Nice piece. What I like most is that you are self-reflective as you write. All of us, as writers and observers, can project, usually evil and ill intent, on others. It takes a bit more character to view others and ourselves as vulnerable. That adds a flavor of modesty.

I was curious about the William Casey quote, that the objective of the CIA in his time was to assure that everything we believe is false. I think we have arrived, by the way. If you, like me, have to sit at the family dinner gatherings and just STFU, then you are witness to Casey's effectiveness.

But the quote itself, would it not be beautiful irony if it was fake? As far as I can tell, it is real, witnessed at a 1981 meeting the had both Casey and Reagan aboard by Barbara Honneger, who then relayed it to Sarah McClendon, a well known thorn in the foot of power, who published it.

I am like you, by the way. I don't spend time investigating fake events. Others take care of that. I don't write about them either. It's tedious and will never make it to the family gathering. We observe feom a higher perch, that's all.

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You're never going to believe this. My first quote is from Salman Rushdie and I have to say it crossed my mind that his stabbing was fake but I thought, "No, Salman Rushdie?? No way. Come on, he would never participate in something like that." But if you look back to the top of the article you'll see what I've added that makes me suspect it was after I had a look ... and we recently had one in Sydney too. So disappointing if it was.

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So you aren’t aware his book, the Satanic Versus and the faux “fatwa” were a pre-programming and pre-cursor to the orchestrated nonsensical Islamic conflicts? It’s unbelievably obvious that entire narrative of jihadists and death threats was a crafted hoax, from its inception and it was being promoted worldwide, to sell nonsensical ideological and religious conflict when it’s all being orchestrated by the faux authorities and intel agencies.

Writers won’t get published AND promoted unless they are willing tools of the establishment, intel agencies and Ordo Ab Chao members.

Every famous person or celebrity must be assumed to have become famous, as a member of their club and as a promotional tool of particular agendas and narratives of the cryptocracy.

Within that context, it’s obvious how particular books like 1984, Brave New World, Future Shock etc., are predictive programming.

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No no clue although obviously it crossed my mind after i realised the fake stabbing, however, I still wasn't sure. I thought perhaps that was real and it was through connections made through dealing with the fatwa he ended up participating in the stabbing. So Khomeini was in on it too?

And 1984 etc predictive programming. Thought I'd woken up but ...

This is a gematria analysis of both fatwa and stabbing.


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lol. Oh Yeah. Khomeini, the entire Iran hostage affair, a total hoax. Staged nonsense. “Argo” the movie, more complete bs.

There were long lines back in the 70’s for gas in the US. Totally staged Yom Kippur war, led to OPEC raising prices… Might happen again sometime soon with a cyber polygon exercise going live:


The Iran hostage hoax, and “takeover” by the mullahs was fabricated to support the jihadist, fundamentalist extremist Islam as the enemy du jour, post Cold War nonsense, with the illusion that Raegan, a B grade actor with dementia, becomes president and saves the world from the communist “threat” (bad cop, red, left-sinister), by tearing down the Berlin Wall (another psyop) with only the power of a corny B grade speech. So unsophisticated:

“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

Literally hilarious! People lapped up this nonsense and still believe it.

Petra, I knew as soon as Reagan was elected, politics was a complete psyop and total con. So unfortunately, I’ve been mostly “awake” forever.

Castro was a CIA asset.

Saddam too. Gaddafi also.

High probability his death was faked. Perhaps a deepfake, likely sunning himself in Europe… the French riviera.

They don’t kill their own, just bribe them to “retire”.

Lockerbie wasn’t even a bombing. So there was no Libya “bomber”.

Mao was a Yale acolyte.

I looked into Arafat too. Total shill, liar, fraud, colluded with the Israelis his entire tenure. Nobel prize nonsense, another dead giveaway. His father was a politician too. Yet another “political” dynasty.

Similar to the Syrian “president” who was awarded the French National Order of the Legion of Honor medal in 2001 then returned it in 2018. The cryptocracy love their awards and medals. As if they are actual Heroes. Can you get any more narcissistic than these faux awards and medals?

As for 1984, Orwell (Eric Blair) was a Fabian, “journalist” with the BBC (psyops) and his whole bio is very revealing. The Fabian logo is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Orwell worked with the Information Research Department, a propaganda dept of the British Foreign Office.

Basically, the cryptocracy had the technocracy movement ready in 1930 but it was so unpopular then, they’ve since bided their time, let everyone become addicted to the interwebs and tiny hand held devices. And here we are…

Did you see my comments on OG back in April, re the Palestinian make up artist I found on YouTube? Because I noticed you mentioned her in this piece.

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I suspected the Gaddafi killing was fake and every time I see that clip of Hillary laughing over killing Gaddafi making her out to be such a monster (not that she probably isn't regardless) I think, "Hmmm, don't know about that." I also wondered about Arafat and Castro and the Lockerbie bombing - in fact, any bombing that is broadcast I think is fake. You cannot find a single image of someone injured by a bomb on the internet, they're all fake. I once saw a video of a guy somewhere in South Asia by the look who'd been catastrophically maimed by some kind of device and it was utterly horrific - that video was removed and I've never seen anything like it since.

After they kept censoring my comments saying 9/11 "total fakery" in complete contradiction of their ethos I stopped subscribing and commenting although I take the occasional look. You must be Researcher on OG right?

I didn't see your comment, I only got the make up thing from the comments on the Nioh Berg tweet which I got from the Muslim Skeptic post.

I have noticed your comments, however, saying 9/11 was a total fake and then I wondered about you because I thought I remembered arguing with you about the total fakery when I used to comment but presumably it was someone else - I certainly don't remember anyone much else being on side with that idea which was another reason I stopped subscribing - it just felt like wading through treacle the whole time.

I'm very bad at remembering screennames which is why I wish people would simply use their real name - I mean it's not as if they don't know who we are right? And why should we hide ourselves? In some situations, especially as far as jobs go, sure people cannot use their real names but I wonder how often that applies ... but, of course, if people would rather not use their real name for whatever reason fair enough. I thought it was funny when on OG I switched from my screenname to real name and so many commenters started making fun of it as if there was something underhanded about it. One thing I don't miss about OG is all the hostile comments - far fewer on Substack.

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I put up multiple links, a dozen reasons, for the entire Gaza “war” being likely, staged with no evidence of death. OG promote the “genocide”, because it’s mostly Masonic authors there, telling half truths.

There’s a low probability any of the Gaza “war” is real besides bombs dropped on empty buildings, since there’s no reason for fakery where there’s real death and suffering. FakeNukes Phil has tons of videos proving Gaza fakery and fraud.

I concur with the Dutch researcher link. Gaza was probably evacuated long before any bombings. Perhaps there’s only crisis actors being ferried in and out nearby for the staged, rubble rescues or the occasional rubber mannequin shot in a demolished building.

Yes, we did debate 9-11 because it’s impossible to *prove* no death, we can only claim probabilities or likelihoods based on available evidence, research and investigation. At that particular juncture, you weren't offering evidence or investigation. You didn’t link to September Clues, or anything persuasive, you claimed no deaths based on “no need”.

Evidence could include info such as barricaded, cordoned off areas of construction around ground zero prior to demolition, or evidence of the hoax on the first “alleged” bombing in the car park. You didn’t offer videos of the empty stripped buildings, or explain the dancing Israelis were a red herring. Nor did you debunk the Judy Wood psyop. Nor did you offer “no plane” evidence: No black boxes. Faked crash site in PA, missing plane wreckage etc. Nor did you investigate the names on the list of supposed victims for yourself.

Consequently, we did disagree on that particular issue, because you were claiming absolutes without evidence, but also because I don’t care if anyone died or not. I’m so inured to the coverage, because I was living in the US when it happened, and knew it was the US government from the very beginning. So 20 years on I do not GAF.

We’ll never know if anyone died, if nobody died, or if some emergency personnel perished due to accidents, bad planning or mismanagement or if all the funerals were fake.

We can only make an educated guess and present our evidence.

Perhaps if you’d offered evidence at the time, I may have found your assertion more persuasive.

I’ll never use my real name here or anywhere on the internet. It’s a privacy issue.

FYI, there’s a couple of Masonic lying shills here, minimizing your work. Just be aware. Anyway, good piece.

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Of course it was faked Salami Rushjob attempt!


Now he is a Pirate with eyepatch, where is his parrot though ?

Maybe in his trousers like old rubber chicken joke?

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Well, Barbara Honegger is, of course, an agent, distracting away from the staged death and injury of 9/11. Love the way we're supposed to believe she's bona fide considering her "credentials" ... so I think you are correct that it's fake, Mark ... and yes beautiful irony! I'm completely convinced it is now actually and have modified the text accordingly.

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The actual quote may have been fake, but the intention behind it certainly isn't...

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I was not sure it was fake until I read this comment by you.

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I remember being totally sucked in by the interview Barbara conducted with April Gallop who allegedly turned up for work at the Pentagon on her first day after maternity leave and was told to take her infant son into the office rather than the creche. April then told us how when she turned on her computer an explosion occurred and she thought her turning on her computer had caused it! She tells us her infant son was badly hurt. April is also an agent to let us know that there wasn't a plane ... it was a bomb!

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I was thinking it was a missile...

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Whatever it was they staged the death and injury ... that's the important part.

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Did you post what all the photos are OF yet? I've been watching a video.

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On the right track Petra, and I agree with your take on Celia Farber about the supposed harm done to children in Gaza. Material reality as presented is malleable depending on the perpetrator/victim's level of consciousness (also, the collective consciousness.) The physical world manifests FROM the spiritual world––not the other way around. Hence, continue to look for the spiritual components in every material "event". That's where the real gold nuggets reside to reveal the ongoing, Divine Plan of evolution for humankind.

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Are you saying the material world has NO effect on the spiritual world? That it's a one-way kind of thing, FROM the spiritual world? Trying to be clear in what you're saying. I don't think any of us are able to KNOW all about this, really. I think some people have a pretty good idea, but details like this... Hmm. I am a Questioner. Of everything. So don't take offense, none is meant.

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Dear Word Herder,

You can KNOW; anybody can know via a practice of spiritual initiation. Individual awareness/development of positive ego is a fairly recent development in the [Plan] evolution of humanity. Ego is the "newest" addition to humans' arsenal to expand and ascend in consciousness. The spiritual realms do experience a feedback loop from the material, where the collective human family presently resides.

Let's say you created the human race. Finish creating, you just walk away? Or do you design in a shepherding function(s) for those who innerstand "faster" as one means to keep your creation on track?

Without constant spiritual impulses from across the veil, the material world would NOT exist. Do you suppose human freedom was "thought up" by some human? Free will/individual sovereignty is now "edited in" and fundamentally part of this spiritually-based reality.

Obviously, nefarious entities who reject this change (and the whole Divine Plan) work ceaselessly to get the ONLY creators of consciousness––souled humans––to focus exclusively on the material aspect to the exclusion of the spiritual.

They want you to think you could not possibly KNOW.

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I think you misunderstand my question.

And I think there are thousands, millions, billions, of people who say things, very specific things, about what IS and what ISN'T the nature of Reality, or what Divinity might mean, or what "God" is, and so forth, without any acknowledgement that it is their OPINION, or their "TAKE," or their BELIEF...

THAT is what I'm talking about, not the nature of religious belief or an explanation of what spirituality is or implies, or how to enable a healthy ego. If you truly believe you "KNOW" about the nature of Reality, for everyone, and you've figured out TRUTH, in the grand scheme of things, then I would be compelled to respond that that is hubris.

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My take? You're coming at this topic from a "material" perspective. A spiritual perspective is you now have anything you need to know within you. Trust it and stand in that power.

This is why Christ incarnated for three years in Jesus of Nazareth (an amazing adept), agreed to be persecuted, sacrificed, resurrected and then ascend––to show you (everyone) the way off the wheel of endless material reincarnations. Take your place in the angelic hierarchies.

There is an objective science to the material world. There is an objective "sacred" science to the spiritual world (Rudolf Steiner via Anthroposophy). You can learn spiritual science just like you can learn chemistry, biology, physics, etc. Study at university––would you classify that as hubris?

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Okay, never mind. Have a good day/week/life, sincerely.

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He is correct.

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Top left Vietnam? Crisis actors and psyops run rampant, telling people about these gets the evil eye rolling, and usually the cold shoulder.

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Tell me about it. Top left Pearl Harbour.

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Saturdays are for mind-blowing... lol

I really DO question everything, and you're helping! lol

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looking forward to the key, the only one I could ID off the cuff was the JFK grassy knoll

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I guess I just randomly selected events and some of them are relatively obscure and the ones that are less obscure aren't showing the most representative images ... but it doesn't matter. It's not supposed to be a test just a kind of interesting exercise.

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Hi Petra,

Got anything coming on Anthony Sutton?

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You mean on the fact that he's a high-level controlled opposition agent?

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

In a live interview Sutton says quite different things from what he says in an interview published by Technocracy.

The contradictions in what Sutton says and the lack of credibility in his claim that he wasn't particularly interested in looking at the Skull & Bones membership list when it was offered to him indicate he is a controlled opposition agent. I've read (and tended to think myself) that intelligence agents take a lot of wisdom from Sun Tzu's, The Art of War (written ca 500 BC). As stated in the Sun Tzu quote above, the power elite must know themselves as well as they know us, the plebs. This is crucial. They know they are bastards and do not shrink from advertising the fact - not when they can use the truth of who they are against us. It is counterintuitive to think they would advertise their own bastardry but they will do anything at all to keep power - and advertising their own bastardry works incredibly well for them - it's not as if we don't know it anyway. Counterintuitively, advertising their own bastardry is one of their great tricks in keeping us fooled ... and yet they always give us the clues. There was no need for Antony Sutton to give himself away in his contradictory claims and not very credible claim of not being interested in the Skull & Bones membership list.

Sutton says the following just before the interviewer mentions a book just brought out by Sutton, America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order:


"A little before six months ago I received the catalog which is the membership list of the society all the way back to 1833 and I received some of their internal documents, enough for me to put together: the way they correspond with each other, the operations within the order, to some extent their problems and to some extent their objectives."

Interview in Technocracy: The Incredible Legacy Of Antony Sutton: Persecuted But Never Prosecuted


Sutton says:

"I knew nothing of Skull & Bones until I received a letter in the early 80’s asking if I would like to look at a genuine membership list. For no real reason I said yes. It was agreed to send the package by Federal Express and I could keep it for 24 hours, it had to be returned to the safe. It was a “black bag” job by a family member disgusted with their activities.

I spent all night in Kinko’s, Santa Cruz, copied the entire volumes and returned within the 24 hour period.

I have never released any copies or identified the source. I figured each copy could be coded and enable S&B to trace the leak.

How did I feel? I felt then (as I do now} that these “prominent” men are really immature juveniles at heart. The horrible reality is that these little boys have been dominant in their influence in world affairs. No wonder we have wars and violence. Skull and Bones is the symbol of terrorist violence, pirates, the SS Deaths Head Division in WW Two, labels on poison bottles and so on.

I kept the stack of xerox sheets for quite a while before I looked at them—when I did look—a picture jumped out, THIS was a significant part of the so called establishment. No wonder the world has problems!"

In the video interview although having only received the catalog and internal documents a little before six months prior he's already published a book while in the print interview he says he kept the stack of xerox sheets for quite awhile. Some anomalies:

1. In the video interview he mentions both the membership list and internal documents while in the print interview only the membership list.

2. How credible is it that he would copy the membership list and keep it for awhile before looking at it?

3. How credible is it that he left looking at the membership list "for quite awhile" and yet still managed to get a book out about S&B within six months of receipt?

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Nice work. I remember Bill Cooper saying ''my good friend Anthony Sutton..........'' in an interview and thinking uh oh.

Sutton does say some compelling things about the Bolshevik revolution being financed by Wall Street.

Ayn Rand is an interesting case too.

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So are you confirming that you think Bill Cooper was an operative? I think he was. And you think Ayn Rand was an operative? That certainly didn't occur to me - but these days I think anyone could be. Salman Rushdie and his fake stabbing and Dr Michael Mosley and his fake death on a Greek island - I think it'd be funny if he was retired to a Greek island. Somehow I think there's a lot of allegedly dead people living on Greek islands.

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On the subject of Gaza, having no recollection of talking about it at your place Petra, I repeat my comment posted on Clues Forum, Phil's bitchute (Fakeologist took over the original source for a post) :

“Have you ever heard the theory that Gaza was emptied during the 2022 soccer World Cup? As part of the Abraham Accords signed by Trump in 2020”.




I saw past the interesting comment at first glance about Israel itself mounting false evidence, staged videos to protect itself from future criminal prosecution.

But although the official casualty count comes from Hamas, it doesn't seem that Israel is denying the collateral deaths of thousands of people.

All the videos allegedly taken in Gaza are shared and commented on on Arab accounts (but I'm told they could be fake Arabs).

One of the most obvious fake babies was admitted as real by the Jerusalem Post, even worse after initially claiming otherwise and later apologizing.


There's also this comment, also interesting at first glance, on the fact that we should actually have well over 30,000 dead. Indeed, if we credit the official number of bombs dropped on Gaza, it doesn't add up unless....

Honestly having seen a good number of videos picked up by Phil FakeNuke since last year. When I see Lez Luthor's posts on Twitter. Pallywood's examples from years before. The so-called Ukraine war. I don't believe the official narrative on the Gaza conflict at all. I do believe that Gaza is partially emptied where Tsahal must intervene.

There seems to be a great deal of collusion between Hamas, Israel and all the world's leaders.

For a project to parody the prophecies of the “end of times”.

The intention is to crush Israel's public image in the world.

I'll keep it short here, eventually I might say more about my thinking, but clearly the Ukraine/Gaza wars are intended to concern virtually the whole world.

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OMG! So my post will need more re-writing - no surprise considering I don't know anything about the subject.

Thank you Thibault for this incredibly illuminating information. I'm in shock. Interesting - in one of Martin Vrijland's articles he mentions how Gaza looks like a ghost town from Google Satellite view.

We're told:

"Gaza has a population density of about 5,500 people per sq km. That's about the same as London, a city brimming with high-rise buildings, but also many parks. Gaza has few open spaces, especially in its cities, due to lack of planning and urban sprawl."

London: "... brimming with high-rise buildings, but also many parks."

"Gaza has few open spaces." BS - it is totally not "brimming with high-rise" but also a significant amount of land looks either deserty or agricultural - it's certainly not residential. Hard to see how its population would be anything like 2 million.


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"he mentions how Gaza looks like a ghost town from Google Satellite view"

Yes, I had seen this article by typing “Gaza” in the search bar.

It would be really interesting to dig into this theory. But I have very little doubt that the real number of people in Gaza is less than the official 2 million.

I don't know what it's like in Australia, but in France (maybe not the official media, but certain personalities, especially on the “left”) the term “genocide” committed by Israel is regularly used.

I don't think you mentioned in detail the alleged attack on October 7 but then I think the vast majority of your readers would have to agree that almost nobody was killed that day.

Obvious on the day itself with the images. Quickly debunked by Miles Mathis. And the recent post on the Clues Forum reports new elements demonstrating a false attack.


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Even if a genocide isn't being committed it's not a case that bad things aren't really happening I don't think. Wouldn't you agree that Israel is continuously taking over land occupied by Palestinians and pushing them out - so in this case it's not Bad Thing A happening but Bad Thing B (which has been going on since the state of Israel was formed).

I don't monitor the media and only rely in what I catch by accident or from others but wouldn't be surprised if the term genocide is being used ... but then there's the tension with being "anti-Semitic". What cartwheels people need to turn - but so easy when you know it's all about divide-and-conquer. It's incredible how easily people's buttons are pushed. I posted your links in a comment elsewhere and got pushback with people not recognising the fakery. https://kitten.substack.com/p/ouch/comment/56174313

Re Oct 7 - in my post just put a link to a Fakenukes Phil video (https://www.bitchute.com/video/8huat9P4qNQj/), perhaps I should post a link to a more detailed analysis so I'll have a look at your CF link and MM. I didn't look even once at Oct 7 from the moment it was announced as I just knew it would be BS and these things wear me down.

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"Wouldn't you agree that Israel is continuously taking over land occupied by Palestinians and pushing them out - so in this case it's not Bad Thing A happening but Bad Thing B (which has been going on since the state of Israel was formed). "

Yes, that's right. I didn't mention it, but I'm keeping it in mind.

It reminds me of a Frenchman who is currently making videos linking “false history” (as part of recentism) and Zionism (artificially creating from the 19th century the places mentioned in the Old Testament, a project by European elites from the Renaissance onwards as part of this theory).


" I didn't look even once at Oct 7 from the moment it was announced as I just knew it would be BS and these things wear me down."

Ah, over the years I've tended to do the same. The latest example is the alleged attack in Russia. I haven't checked it out myself. I just came across a French speaker who was demonstrating the false flag by the Russians. He considers it to be real, but the arguments were enough to confirm the forgery for me, so investigative work is always useful and good to take.

I took videos to denounce the false injuries in Gaza. I was obviously called a scumbag, but not that many comments compared to the number of views.

I've started a 7-minute compilation with the FakeNuke videos, but I haven't dared post it yet. I figure that anyway, given the number of subscribers I have on “Odysee” and “Crowdbunker” (I made 5000 views recently but only got 10 more subscribers...).

Otherwise I see the typical “well why would the UAE welcome the Palestinians” comment. You can't expect anything from people who don't have the big picture vision of someone like Lez Luthor.

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Exactly! Fulfilling Biblical prophecies. Very astute.

This is exactly what the Cult of Saturn are doing and have done. Thus inducing Christians and evangelicals to stand down and take no action.

The end times reenactment also convinces Jesuits, masons and other secret society members that the Great Reset is being done as a precursor to the Great Year cataclysm cycles, which is what “Revelations” allegorically references.

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Trials never took place except for the San Bernardino shootings. Only one person, who was directly related to the shootings, was convicted. The person destroyed evidence... that was the only conviction... destruction of evidence.

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May 9
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Yes but in this case it's BOTH sides.

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May 11Edited
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People obviously cannot take the truth because even when it is mashed in their faces Revelation-of-the-Method style they refuse to see it

"All propaganda is lies, even when one is telling the truth."

George Orwell

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May 11
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The thing is that it's very, very true that all propaganda is lies even when it is telling the truth. No truer words spoken.

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May 11Edited
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May 6
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Before getting to the same person or not issue can I confirm with you that you accept the Boston Bombing was a staged event because if you don't recognise it as staged that is obviously going to bias you against J/N being the same person.

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May 7
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Actually, I have to thank you for your comment because you've made me rethink the Jeff/Nick double and I can see they're not the same person.

You might find the analysis on this page interesting. It kind of does my head in.


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May 8
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No doubt about it. There was a fabulous video on YouTube that set a piece of classical music against the gory nonsense in slowmo - so clever ... but of course got pulled down.

This looks like a good video explaining it in 12 mins - https://www.bitchute.com/video/oW9DrDmcQCdg/

This is quite an amusing long video (56m) on the ridiculous hero, Carlos, if you're interested, by Conspiracy Theorista aka Betsy McGee. https://www.bitchute.com/video/9RCJvJcgvc9q/

Actually, I cannot believe the number of Bitchute videos on the subject - huuuuge.

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May 6
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It's actually admitted they're used for recognised exercises ... just not the unrecognised "exercises". Thanks for your comment because I think I might add that tidbit. https://edition.cnn.com/2012/12/05/us/amputee-actors-combat-training/index.html

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May 4
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9. Yes Manchester!

3. Bologna Station bombing 1980. Never heard of the King David Hotel which I now see was Jerusalem, 22 July 1946. Now I wonder was that yet another evacuated bombing? 22nd of the month is such a popular date for their big events, Manchester, of course, being 22 May and JFK being 22/11 (double-whammy).


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