Omar has added an update: Second smoking gun - The Atlantic.


If you want a gematria analysis: - https://bartoll.se/2024/07/trump-fake-assassination-attempt/

I'd also recommend Miri AF's piece: - https://miri.substack.com/p/how-donald-trump-helped-put-the-f

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Friends, Romans, Countrymen, wing me my ear!

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Excellent piece from Omar. My only contention is the "bladed" perspective. If He were really cut, He would continue bleeding. But it looked more like a blood pack was smacked onto His ear - I favor by Him with a flesh-colored pack, because He seems to have something in His hand held like a sleight-of-hand artist might hold something, and there was a bit of blood on His hand as He removed it, before going down.

And He did not continue bleeding. What We saw initially of "blood" was all We saw subsequent, and having clipped My ear once, I know that that part of the body bleeds profusely for a number of minutes at least. I bled for about 10, even while staunching it.

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Maybe but perhaps just the tiniest blading would mean a lack of continuation ... but I have no idea.

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Well, considering the quantity of "blood" there, it would not have been the tiniest... My probabilities are high it was merely a blood pack...

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You're probably right - I really have no clue, shouldn't have said anything.

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I seriously doubt Trump would cut himself. Not to mention that would be a wildcard that might or might not work as planned. The pain alone would have prohibited the rest of what Trump did as he was under its influence.

The blood pack is the way to go. Simple. Sanitary and controllable. Control is paramount in this kind of operation. Though as much as they try to have it, they still screw it up. Always.

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And the SS did nothing to compress the ear and staunch bleeding. As if they didn't want to touch it and mess up the effect. Which would be the right response if this were a special effect in a movie, but not right if it were an actual bleeding fresh wound.

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Yes they did with a white towel

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Well if they did why did we see him with streaks of blood across his face ... made to look like ... https://kitten.substack.com/p/the-snake

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ArnGrimR substack has the best detail & research on shooting. His articles definitely worth a read. Explains blood also

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Does ArnGrimR recognise staging ... or believe that the assassination attempt was genuine?

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He just goes by the evidence as it comes out. Has about 7 different write ups very detailed

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Yes or no question.

Does he recognise that the event was staged, ie, there was no bullet directed at Donald Trump?

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Yeah i’m gobsmacked. Let’s leave it at that

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I’m not presenting an argument just trying to show there are far more detailed analysis of the shooting than Omar’s that are worth reading. With far more pieces of evidence which is far easier to read than me cutting & pasting everything here.

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OK, so I had a look just to satisfy myself that the guy would not make a convincing case for a real shooting ... and oh my goodness - what a surprise - he doesn't. He's all caught up in the "story" of the "timeline."

He says absolutely NOTHING that says the shooting was real - his case is that Crooks wasn't the only shooter. Now doesn't that sound familiar? JFK all over again. He makes zero case for the shooting being real over fake ... but we'll leave it there OK? Work on shaving away the propaganda designed to confuse matters from the discernible reality.

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I understand not wishing to cut and paste heaps of content but so far you've given absolutely ZERO content of any kind other than assertion so unless you can make an argument against what's been put forward here or say just one thing that argues for "real" over "fake" I'm not going to bother looking. I'm kind of amazed that we've managed to exchange so many comments without your saying one single thing that favours real. Not one.

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Agreed - that was the only bit I disagreed with myself. I think in one side-on photo you can clearly see the blood splotch pack (the dark congealed bit at the top of his ear).

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Yeah, that one thing. Great analysis otherwise, though!

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It's certainly possible that some sort of "blood pack" was used. The problem with that is that eventually you will see Trump's real ear which will have an Evander Holyfield style chunk missing from it. So my guess is that he took one for the team and they took a chunk out of his ear.

But of course, both could be true as well - they could have used a blood pack and carefully removed a chunk out of his ear later, under the care of a doctor.

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My probabilities go with any cutting taking place at the hospital. Who knows with these psychopaths what They're up to?

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Certainly possible but this sort of "blading" is common in professional wrestling. It's safe and effective. The top of the ear also doesn't bleed as much as the "lobe" which has more nerve endings.

At the end of the day, I don't think it matters much.

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If he did it himself, you're right. It's only a matter of method.

Though it is crucial whether he cut himself or it was imposed. Due to the rest of his actions, I'd weigh in on the blood pack. I don't think the Donald has the guts to cut himself nor do I think is would be allowed due to the need for the photographs to be perfect and cutting is dicey.

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If he was bladed, he'd have one of his SS guys do it for him.

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That's likely right. It's what I meant when I said he did it to himself. Though I wasn't clear.

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Agreed. The hospital surgical route is the way to go. Control.


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Forgot to also say it is actually a crucial piece of evidence - because if he was bladed that doesn't prove he was in on it. If it was a blood capsule then it proves he was in on it.

They could have given him the 'you don't have a choice' option, though.

It also strikes me that it means they don't have to bother with rigging the election. I think they didn't have to bother in the recent British one either (except maybe removing a million or so postal votes from the Tories perhaps).

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I seriously doubt Trump cut himself or anyone else cut him on the spot. That would have been risky and it would be possible to lose control over the situation which required excellent timing rather than veracity of wound to succeed as it is the photographs that are crucial to the success of this event. The "iconic" photos are the game.

If something had gone awry with an actual cutting, it would have jeopardized the photo op. It certainly looked like a blood pack. There are very good ones available.

I worked in film for years and control over all variables was always key. Nothing is left up to chance since things have a way of going wrong anyway regardless of how much control is exercised. The last thing anyone would do is introduce more chance.

Trump had to be in on it. Again, nothing is left up to chance. You don't put your star in a scene without complete understanding of what is required. Otherwise it would too likely fall apart and be a disaster.

I do think we witnessed Trump selling his soul once and for all on live TV.

And that is as important as anything else to what the future holds.

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That's an even better argument and I couldn't agree more. To be honest, I think that settles it!

The need to control all these things, and eliminate the random luck variable, is a very important point and should always be born in mind with all these 'events'.

So you've hit the proverbial nail there, I'd say...

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On a note between you and me, I'm reading your stories and articles and I think you are a very good writer. As a matter of fact, so good, I'm studying your writing to gain more skills for myself.

I'll be commenting soon, but am taking my time reading as I said because I'm studying your talent. Thanks.

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That's a wonderful thing to say and I am going to go to bed very happy with that compliment! Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy my stuff and I really look forward to your comments.

I will return the favour and look at your own stuff when I have some time. I was really busy last week so I've got quite a backlog to get through!

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That's great. All around. Just so you have context I also study Dostoyevsky and Faulkner as well as others. No need to fool around.

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my first thought exactly. perhaps T's soul has been massaged until eventually reaching up to this point. I 'recognised' the photo-op (not in the least because the Iwojima-one was also staged) and disliked it immediately. all the other details started to slowly fit in afterwards.

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Exactly! That and the reaction of the people in the stands. But that fist raising, bloody face, fight fight fight American flag 🇺🇸 money shot was way too dramatic and “perfect” to be real. Immediately I thought this is fake. And I voted for Trump so it’s not like I hated him so I just hated on him. Now that he did this no question he’s evil. Up until that point I had my suspicions about him for the past few years since operation warp speed I thought maybe he’s controlled opposition or some thing but now I am 100% positive He’s one of “them”

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the whole shebang was his graduation ceremony.

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That's exactly right. Now all the harassments and degradation Trump allowed himself to endure makes sense. He was promised what he's getting. Of course he's made a deal with the devil and it's only just begun.

We'll see if he is somehow persuaded to attend the "dead firefighter's" funeral. I am keeping my eye on this. He's acting very strange about it.

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I can give probability approaching 100% He was "in on it." It's all a play and He's just one of the actors on the LITERAL world STAGE.

What a Play! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-a-play

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I would also give that kind of probability. I only mentioned it for completion's sake I guess. I will have a look at your link in a mo...

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It will be interesting to see what the "wound" looks like sans bandages. A bandage Trump no doubt detests wearing as he's vain and wearing something that looks like a mini sanitary pad on your head is not a good look.

To sell this, he will have to wear at least a small prosthetic for some time that looks like a wound and then there will be a scar. Ears to hear and ears to fear.

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it doesn't really matter, does it?

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It does when One is trying to show Others the lies...

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You'll find out soon how it matters. We all will.

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It's incredible the number of "ex"-secret service and security people they push out to say, "This, that and the other should or shouldn't have happened." I saw a video that I can't find now of one of these people referring to "elevated position" and the way he said those words reminded me of Joachim Bartoll's gematria analysis which I've posted a link to in the pinned comment. I find these gematria analyses quite incredible. I don't how they work everything out and I wonder about it but I definitely had the feeling that - as Joachim has identified - "elevated position" is a scripted term.


As we know, Trump will likely “win” the election, and this was yet another publicity stunt by the numbers and in a ritualistic manner in accord with their script. The inauguration for the 60th president will be on January 20, 2025. This assassination attempt from an ‘elevated position’ on July 13 came 191 days before the 2025 inauguration.

And remember, the staged election is on November 5, the day leaving 56 days remaining in the year, the most important number of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuit Order, the order that does the bidding of the elite families and the order that control all the other secret societies, such as the Freemasons.

Assassination = 191

Elevated Position = 191

Society of Jesus = 191

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The zip code of Butler, PA, the place of the attempted assassination, is 16001.

According to the CNN, at 6:11:33 p.m. Trump pauses mid-sentence as shots ring out.

Invert the number 6.

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"Just keep in mind that in the hours, days and weeks to come, you will hear more and more of the standard, status-quo, mainstream conspiracy theories. This should signal to you that there might be something else going on underneath all of this noise and that ALL of these misdirects are meant to confuse, distract and overwhelm you.

I would further argue that it’s a total waste of time and you’re better off looking at the bigger picture and trusting your intuition around the whole thing."

That's totally spot on, and I think I said the same thing over on Iain's take on the matter.

It's pretty obvious to everyone except fools that it's a staged event. Given how obvious that is, we should be asking the bigger picture, namely 'why' and 'for what reason/purpose' etc. rather than get distracted by the nonsensical and deliberately contradictory and confusing noise they insert into these spectacles of theirs.

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when, after last week's "debate" it'd become clear the Ds didn't have another presidential candidate, TPTB decided it'd be better to ensure T would get elected as the next president. no more mr. MAGA, just more wars :-((

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As I said above... They don't need to worry about [who We vote for] and aim mostly to getting REGISTRATION up. Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.

And it's wasted because ALL governments on Our planet are for-profit corporations that appoint Their CEO's. "Elections" are held to create the illusion We have a say, so that We accept Their appointees when We're told We "voted" for Them.

And... It's all a play put on by the psychopaths in control (who likely have names such as Orsini and Medici - Rome never died), and "the deep state" is a plot element.

What a Play! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-a-play

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Yes - I think one element of the 'event' was to definitively demonstrate to Trump that 'we own you', so you will do whatever we tell you to do. Because we have demonstrated we can kill you anytime we like (smoking man style). Just in case T was getting any ideas into his head, you know. So whereas he didn't seem so keen on America's foreign wars in his first term, this time will be different. So this is the endgame.

I would expect them to hit the ground running in the week following his election. My prediction - 16 November.

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No one has noticed that the flag that appears in the iconic fist pump shot cannot be seen in the wider shot videos. It must have been hung up high but facing down just waiting for this photo opportunity.

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I'm sure he already knows that. Why do this so publicly if Trump wasn't involved?

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Well yeah, that's also a good question - as I've said, I think asking these sorts of questions - the 'why' question (rather than 'what actually happened') is more important, rather than getting distracted by the details of the fakery.

I am obviously convinced Trump would've had to be in on it - I just wanted to clear that aspect up so we can then ask these 'why' questions, as you say. So, the 'so publicly' aspect is indeed a key aspect of this.

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whoa.... very probable

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I'm thinking now that the transnational deep state has chosen Trump as the fake nationalist next POTUS. So they need to bury Kennedy and wash away the mRNA stains all over Trump to get him ready, hence the fake assassination attempt. Then after Trump is selected there will be brand new emergencies to scare the cattle into the one world government chute. Or so they plan.


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That's potentially a very good answer to the 'why' question (which is the important question).

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Yes, absolutely, we need to focus on the why, always keeping in mind that ultimately the only power they have over us is the power to fool us if we let them.

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I think They don't need to worry about that and aim mostly to getting REGISTRATION up. Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.

And it's wasted because ALL governments on Our planet are for-profit corporations that appoint Their CEO's. "Elections" are held to create the illusion We have a say, so that We accept Their appointees when We're told We "voted" for Them.

And... It's all a play put on by the psychopaths in control (who likely have names such as Orsini and Medici - Rome never died), and "the deep state" is a plot element.

What a Play! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-a-play

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Interesting "disclosure" from Sasha the LARPer

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What is a LARPer?

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A government secret agent who is playing either a good guy or bad guy role in The Psyops.

LARP = Live Action Role Play

It's like "crisis actor" but a much larger role.

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nobody gets a free pass

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The hydraulic crane. Hmmm....That's a lot of hydraulic fluid spewing in the photo. A regular bucket truck holds about 35 gallons. A larger bucket truck like the one in the photo would hold 2 or 3 times as much fluid. Maybe 100 gallons.

Now, I used to have aquariums. A 20 gallon aquarium is not that large. So, 5 twenty gallon aquariums worth of fluid to equal 100 gallons is not that much and highly unlikely to spew in that volume for long. A few seconds. Highly unlikely to spew at that distance without a source being hooked up to apply constant pressure to the fluid. It's ridiculous. Bad special effects that would put a professional FX crew to shame.

Actual hydraulic fluid is very toxic to the skin and the people who were sprayed would have had to be hospitalized for chemical burns and decontamination. Again, ridiculous.

There are so many inferior "movie magic" tricks employed in this psyop, I can feel only pity for the blind who believe it was real.

Thanks to Petra and Omar.

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the gofund me was started at 12 noon, 6 hours before the event

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Echoes of Handy Sook.

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@MargaritasattheMall...Were can you find the start up date at the gofundme page? It doesn't show any dates when I go to the donation page for the victims family. I would really like to show some of my family who think it's all "real."

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I saw a screenshot of it yesterday on SS, there was a donation logged shortly after approximately 12:10

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Thank you. Hopefully I can run across it.

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I actually looked through my likes to find it for you and it's been scrubbed from my likes!

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I'm not surprised. The gofundme page doesn't have the exact time of donation except for today's. They just have "1 day ago" or "2 days ago"...no specifics.

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Can you see if it's archived somewhere?

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Psyops are growing increasingly sloppy so that the slowpokes can catch up.

It's an era of slow disclosures.

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Is it really? I wonder sometimes, or is it just cameras and the internet. I was amazed at how many people came out straight away with staged. Most of them didn't even believe it was possible to stage an event like this before. Now all of a sudden because they hate Trump so much they can see the lunacy. Perhaps there is a plot twist and they admit it was staged at some stage by the bad orange man, who knows?

I think the issue is the huge difference in 'intelligence' among the general populace. This makes things difficult to herd people with the psy op alone. Some people look at the show and think over acting cartoon characters, for others that's what is required for them to get the message. I wonder if it's always been this way.

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“Perhaps there is a plot twist and they admit it was staged at some stage by the bad orange man, who knows?”

Your wish come true, but not really… 😂


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Of course, I could be delusional but that's the way it seems to me. Since 2016 or earlierr it's a social engineering in which the psyops are intended to be increasingly obvious until everybody is on the same page spiritually: "if this is fake & that is fake, then what else is fake?"

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I actually just believe there are more intelligent people (possibly due to there being more people overall, but also more access to information) than ever before. And they can now communicate with each other. For example if 1/1000 people have always seen through a scam and your town has 2000 people well that's only one other person. But if you live now that's 8000000 other people. Over 1 million just in Europe and America.

We are also seeing a lot more scams from all around the world and over longer time spans rather than just out little corner of the world and our time which greatly enhances the chances of an individual seeing through one.

Then we have a huge increase in controlled opposition to controll these people. Which gets more people in on the Truptard level. It really is a systematic issue. Now they are going to need something for the Lib conspiracy theorists who saw through Trumps ear thing.

Eventually this may result in a change of plans. The powers that are may have to stop trying to dumb down people and start lifting them up. Or possibly have another flood.

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Perhaps my perspective is unique because what I believing now is that the psyops are now DELIBRATELY sloppy & obvious so that soon EVERYBODY will be catching on.

Maybe even by November there won't be anybody (or very few) that doesn't see through the psyops and this will paradoxically not be sucha crisis but rather be of spiritual benefit to the people, although I'm not sure why that should be so, What I believing now is that the psyops like CovidHoax are intentionally designed to be liberating the people from all kinds of vestigial & nefarious mental bonds.

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Intentionally designed so we lose trust in the governmental structures.

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At this opportune time, consider the role of the squib in our history. JFK X proved beyond a doubt to myself that Kennedy faked his death, with the help of Jackie, by using a squib:


I just think it'd be nice to take out the generational trauma of that one, as we deal with this one immediately. Trump too used a squib. Its in his hand. I joke that he shoved it in his shoe while on the ground. That AP photo of the bullet showed up faster than the Taliban passport at the Towers. If you were not paying attention at the time this happened, forget about researching it now, but if you do, look in to how they use the squib. Jay's film JFK X is a masterpiece, and any expose on Trump's show will have the squib featured, otherwise its pointless.

Second, and this came out quick too. The sniper on the roof moves his rifle in time with the first three gun shots. He's shooting at something, for sure, and maybe the shooter. But those three shots are when Trump falls. There's a decent Bitchute video explaining this detail too:


That's real magic there, to show it to you, but have you think its from a different place, as the snipers gun is not focused on the Trump. magi level psyop.

There's lots of other things too-- as there are in all psyops. Controlled opps will focus on the Secret Service, as they are the fall guy, or gal. Another Market vs Lab debate. Or the bullet. I know its fake, even if it is a possibility, but it keeps you within the a priori framework of the psyop regardless.

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My immediate intuition was "theater". "Street theater" - i.e. live event. If I'm wrong, so what.

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Same here-immediate reaction!

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I have a hard time believing that a supersonic projectile grazing an ear as it flys by could cause so little injury. It's very very remotely possible but not plausible. I vote staged.

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I’m with you. So many reasons to believe it was staged by Trump and/or the dems. Ultimately they’re all on the same team

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Yeah, that's what gets me - they're in it together. The Dems would know that Seth Rich's death was faked and that the implications that they were responsible didn't help them in the 2016 election but they can't call it out - they never call each other out - and I strongly suspect that the emails with all the pizza paedophile coding were fakes but I need to have a proper look.

Didn't Biden say something "predictive programming-y" about the ass-ass-ination?

Also, of course, the complete and utter staging of Jan 6. Nobody dies nobody gets hurt ... unless wanted, of course, as with the murderous jab.

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Do you mean Biden’s comment about putting Trump in a bullseye?

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Yeah, that must have been it. I just looked it up and I see it's been made a thing of. Hilarious! He says "I didn't say "cross-hairs" I said "bullseye" I meant focus on it."


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Focus on it riiiiiiight 👌lol

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Uh except Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed in the Capitol building J6

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What makes you believe she was really killed?

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I saw it on video. But yeah good point. Can’t believe everything you see. What do you see as the reason to doubt it actually happened? Who would benefit?

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I assume this kind of event is fake until proven otherwise, especially when the person involved has agency connections.


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Well written and echoes some of the possibilities I entertained. Not saying anything with certainty but not leaving anything off the table, his kayfabe days being the first thing that came to mind ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NsrwH9I9vE&t=98s. But a pox on both their houses. Is there a line beyond which a sociopath will not step?

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I finally feel home in this comment section and in the thoughts of this page. Glory to God!

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Omar, it’s a brilliant piece of writing, thank you. I feel saner.

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Have updated, Omar.

Link to addition: https://petraliverani.substack.com/i/146666849/update-the-nd-smoking-gun

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There are no coincidences.

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I guess my imagination hasn't run so wild as to see a torn ear and blood in that picture. I guess everything is a psyop. Start with government schools. Why don't we stand up and demand that our homes not be "taxed" to support them. Naaaa...it's more important to worry about a guy who for all intents has no real REASON to be President except for the REASONS he claims he wants to be. To Make America Great Again. What a thought. So instead we sit here and read and write about how he faked some guy shooting at him for no good reason except to somehow catapult him so far ahead of Joe Biden that he is a shoe in. They CHEATED him out of the presidency the last time.

YES, maybe he isn't the best guy for the job...actually I AM. LOL! Except they would kill me the first week I was in as I actually DID dismantle the messed up UNCONSTITUTIONAL beuRATcracies.

This has become ludicrous. Gematria analysis and what next...

How about what happened is a stand down. That someone in the know made sure everything was as screwed up as it was on purpose. Maybe it didn't need to be a lot of folks jerking the ropes. A stand down is the simplest easiest answer. If someone in the know knew about Crooks effort and just made sure the perfect storm would allow him to kill Trump and "they" want him dead, why can't it be that simple? Why does everyone want to complicate the hell out of it. What I saw was him turn his head the precise moment that a bullet that would have hit him in the head, hit his ear. I heard gun shots. A man died. Two others were injured. Crooks died...yep, psyop 101.

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I'm not sure how they do it exactly but there's generally a strong drill aspect to it so it can be some are in on the "drill" and others aren't

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