
This page includes links to both my Substack and website articles and other relevant links. There is a reasonable amount of repetition because essentially there is a simple three-part message:

  • 9/11 wasn’t a terrorist attack but nor was it an “inside job” per se, it was the biggest demolition job of all time cloaked in a Full-Scale Anti-Terror Exercise comprising numerous smaller exercises and drills (many of which we were informed of with a crucial few we weren’t) pushed out as a real event and

  • a sophisticated propaganda campaign was implemented targeting separately the anticipated accepters and rejecters of the narrative in order that both groups believe in real death and injury when all the evidence supports if not favours staged death and injury which isn’t to say no one died or was accidentally injured and killed and

  • underneath the multiple layers of magic propaganda dust they tell us the truth of this event loud and clear using the Revelation of the Method technique, an essential element of psyop MO.

Cut to the chase

Substack and website

Refutations of the narrative
Propaganda strategy to ensure both the accepters and rejecters of the narrative believed in real death and injury

Films and videos

Other websites